I am so thankful for my husband. We’ve had a rough year. But when he just pulled up his calendar app, I peeked the “therapy” recurring event for every Tuesday coming up.

It took a really long time to nudge and ask and plead and toss everything short of an ultimatum at him to start this work on his personal and emotional development.

There were times I wasn’t sure anything would change, and I worried maybe I was just wasting time… but he’s still proving he’s the right one :)

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Bdo1 you are awful. We don’t need you around here


Happy for you! 💜 Hope it yields your desired outcomes


That’s really great, OP. Here’s to a much better year for y’all in 2023! 🥂


It’s hard to make the commitment but counseling saved our marriage years ago. I recommend to young couples that it’s a great way to start a marriage so communication is good. That solves the majority of problems.

Sincere best wishes for you both.


I thought this was going to take a turn for the worst with unfaithfulness. Glad to see it was a positive twist!

That’s amazing. If he did it on his own it shows he’s serious and nothing wrong with therapy in good times and bad because there will always be both

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