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How to choose between CSM and PMP?
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OXFORD!!! Great school (sure it’s not an M7, but it’s still great).
Most people outside of this bowl, or people with top MBAs don’t know that Oxford isn’t ranked as highly as HBS, etc.
Unless you’re SURE you’ll get into an M7 next year, I’d go with Oxford personally (I’m saying that without knowing your personal situation which could change things)
Thank you! Honestly, I’m not sure how much my GRE will improve to get into M7 next year Bc 1. I’m not a good standardized test taker and 2. My work is picking up so I’m not gonna have as much time to study.
The one thing that I’m concerned about is US recruiting from Oxford
Subject Expert
OP, before offering advice, I gotta ask you some more questions.
- why do you need an MBA?
- why did you apply this year?
- what makes aug 2022 start better or worse than aug 2023 start?
- are you looking to do an internship?
- do you want a 1-year program only?
- where do you want to work after school?
- what do you want to do after school, if not mentioned in why you applied to mba?
- if you applied next year to schools, what would be different about your application?
- are you confident that you could retake the gmat/gre and score higher?
- besides your score, are there other weaknesses in your app that you could address?
Generally, if the answers are along the lines of “I want to make a functional change in my industry and end up immediately post-mba in Europe, don’t want the cost 💲 and opportunity lost income cost of a uS mba, need to go to school now because of family/personal/ROI, and am not going to dramatically change my app” then I’d lean towards Oxford Saïd.
If the answer is something like “I want to go from account manager to investment banking and don’t mind being on the older side of the cost, but really need the internship, need the network in US, need the US OPT, and know I could submit a stronger app next year” then I’d lean towards reapplying.
I would very much caution jumping into an Oxford MBA without taking a very close look at their employment report. Oxford sounds great in theory but I think there is a large contingent of from that school that aren’t getting the employment outcomes they were looking for… just my two cents.
Well so I’m in turnaround consulting at a mid sized consulting firm since the last two years (I just haven’t changed my rsm profile on FB) and I wanna go into strategy consulting. So I don’t think it’s too big of a career switch
I got in to two top 15s with a 316 and 3.5 year YOE. There's a lot more to it than these stats. But one of the biggest things I think that helps is applying round 1 and really showing enthusiasm (that they're you're top 1-2 choices) about the programs. I don't think you have a shot at M7 tbh.
Subject Expert
Can echo that my employer brand is almost completely unrecognizable to people not in my sector, but it didn’t seem to matter for me on apps (at least I don’t think it did :D)
A 314 is below the average for the T15s and I assume you do some consulting/audit/advisory work at RSM which isn’t super prestigious. I’d recommend considering schools outside the T15 if you’re serious about getting an MBA. Or bump up that GRE score to be at least a 320+
Would you be happy living in the UK after school? If so, go to Oxford. If not, reapply