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Once again… This week on Dateline:

Additional Posts in 30s & 40s Singles
31F - any single M up for a chat?
Anyone here working with a Match Maker?
Anybody awake and want to chat? 35M here!
Any Chicago folks in here..?
How is everyone weekend going?
35 single no children DC Black Male
Anybody wants to chat dirty? 36M here!
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
True love - count me in
Fairy tales - hard pass
I thought this was the 30+ bowl 🧐
I guess it all depends on what your definition of love is OP. I consider myself a hopeless romantic but also have become jaded with experience.
You probably are
Someone told me that forever love is when you and your partner/ SO are happy to accept the things that annoy you about each other and live with those annoyances day in and day out knowing they are now a part of your life.
Those annoyances are friggin hard to find :)
That’s so true! Yes love is simple. We overcomplicate it these days
In for true love but not so much fairy tales. Curious if any guys commented on this thread or is it all women? 😂
Wondering if guys ever say they are hopelessly romantic, romantic at heart, wear their heart on the sleeve or hopeful for true love, etc.
I’m a 36M; definitely a romantic, but also a realist.
Rewatching fairytales as an adult creeps me out. So much darkness. Did you know that in the book - The Little Mermaid commits suicide because Eric leaves her for the witch who stole her voice?
Stop 🙈 i seem to continue to look at things with rose-tint glasses!
Not alone OP. I believe in true love. I've been repeatedly told I'm naive and an idiot for believing that but I'm holding out hope.
EY - I’m right there with you.. although Disney has done a number on me, I’m a hopeless romantic at heart. Or whatever you want to call it really. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeves, and give even if I don’t receive. It’s been tough since the world has become more cynical and cruel.
True love? fairy tales are more fun 😂
True love is attainable when you realize that what you believe to be true love is not love at all.
Loving one’s self is also not enough, as it stems from the ego. “I” love “myself”...there are two versions of “self”, the one loving and the one receiving the love. This mental dynamic will ultimately become a source of internal conflict.
True love is when you can radiate love to everyone and everything; only then can you begin to feel it in return. Love has no dark opposite; the more you give, the more you receive.
It’s common to confuse and intertwine “states of being” and “tangible things”.
If I give you one of my “things”, you have the thing and I no longer have that thing. If I give or show someone love, however, whether it be romantic or friendly, not only does the person receive love, but my love grows in the process. This, in turn, makes me more attractive on a level deeper than just external looks or material possessions.
If you want love, give love.