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You know she’s not white right?
Rising Star
I’m saying many people do not like her because of her actions. You are saying that the ONLY reason people don’t like her, is because of racism. Secondly, I’m not saying she is white, I’m saying she identified as white in the past. Isn’t it up to her to decide what she is?
Please stop putting words in my mouth and manipulating the truth. There’s way too much of that going on these day’s.
Lol I wish I had all this free time in the world that would allow me to get upset over silly things.
Rising Star
She left the royal family.....................
Rising Star
Freelance homegirl, she’s not taking taxpayer dollars. When they couldn’t work out a novel approach to their royal roles and duties + all the racism she faced, they peaced out. They always wanted to support themselves through non-profit work. You clearly just don’t like her.
Why is this a problem? She’s been married for 2 seconds and is supposed to just forget her own upbringing and all the ways that elections matter?
"Former royal encourages people to vote" is bad? This truly is the worst timeline
People get mad over anything now days. Smh.
Do you live under a rock? She left the royal family, and was ALWAYS blatantly attacked for being black.
Have you ever read any British tabloids? Brutal doesn’t begin to describe how the abuse their targets. Remember her Mother-in-law that she never met - died as a result of being pursued by tabloid monsters. Get your facts straight.
She’s not a royal anymore. What’s to get over?
Rising Star
Let’s not forget the blatant BS she went through for being black.
How do I downvote something
Weird post
Wtf kind of weird...
She’s trying to be a supporter and ally... why are we castigating her for this? What would you have her do instead?
Rising Star
Funny how the people doing everything they can to stop Americans from voting are all from the same party, and all are scared to death that America’s government should reflect the will of the people.
If people vote, they lose. They know it is an existential threat and will stop at nothing to remain their chokehold.
Conversation Starter
OP, you just mad because she has the common sense to urge people to vote?? I am confused why are you so upset someone doing the right things?!
Rising Star
Voting may be bad for the party that OP supports.
Freelance1 take a break. Take a nap. You’re looking real bad in like 2 different threads here. What are you defending, this is clearly an instance of a woman with a platform trying to use it for good. Why are you against that?
Rising Star
Selfawarewolves post here.
op come on with this. If she didn’t speak up you’d have an issue too. She’s a black woman and she’s been discriminated against too. As they say in the UK, Bugger off.
F1 is Kate Middleton.
She’ll always be Waity Kaity to me.
Wow you just really want a reason to be mad at her.