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Transition from Compliance to Risk ? I work for major brokerage in compliance. I’ve been in this field almost 5 years. The person I work with made me absolutely hate my job and every day for past few months is soul destroying. He doesn’t share project work with me, he re writes my notes. I raised it with manager few times but not much happened. Never knew someone so difficult . Now risk wants to poach me to retain me in business.Am I crazy to even consider this ??
I ❤️ NY

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What’s the current referral bonus at PwC?
Dude you just described half of your colleagues. Don’t act like admins are the only ones
Managing partner schedules, report formatting, signing partners electronic sig. No clue what else
They may seem unimportant, but they do hold a lot of power. Watch what you say and how you treat an admin- they are the gate keepers.
I swear the one that sits near me every day is on the phone talking loudly to family or friends for 6 out of the 8 hours of the day. Topics discussed today include - met gala dresses, Caribbean vacations, husband isn’t rich enough, college graduation, discussing how she was 2 classes away from a bachelors degree
I know!!!! 🙄
are you sitting on 33rd FL?
Just wow. Apparently your Admins don't have enough to do. At the firm I work at we Admin come in early, soometimes get a lunch break, most days we also stay late. We work hard and don't have time for goofing off, personal calls, etc. Sounds like you have too many admin or you guys need to "clean house".
Must be an office by office thing - our admins are maxed out with work and do an awesome job. I sit next to one anytime I’m in the office and she’s just like everyone else busting it and taking the occasional minute to chat with me or check her cell
Admins repeatedly save my life on engagements. Theyre the best and i could not get half as much done without them.
I wonder what pwc3 does 🤔
I am not an admin, but I am assigned on a project with meetings being scheduled all the time and I can tell you that as stupid as it might sound, scheduling meetings for people when you don’t have access to everyone’s calendar can take a ton of time and is really easy to screw up. If every company we work with would just release some limited view of their calendars, admins would be out of a job.
I feel you. I sit near a couple admins that spend all day laughing and not just light laughing, I mean laughing like they can’t breathe.
KPMG1 your admins need closer supervision or more to do. I dont stop all day time for socializing !! I support 5 partners, 1 sr mgr, 2 mgrs and a cybersecurity group of 5, plus my share of 40 assurance staff/seniors. We have an assurance dept of approx. 65 and 2 fulltime/1 parttime admins in our dept. They are either under-utilized or you are overstaffed if they have that much time on their hands. Maybe their job description needs to change....
The admins OP is referring to the admins who took the package and don’t give a sh*t anymore and just doing nothing until the end of May
Admins on my floor are exactly the same as what OP is describing. Guess some floors/offices just allow a shitty admin culture to prevail while others don't.
I wish we still had admins. It would free up more time for tax returns
Well then it sounds like KPMG does a bad job of hiring people then bc the admins in our office are excellent
What. EY5, you literally don’t have a limited view of colleague schedules ? Isn’t that automatic on outlook ?
EY 5 you can’t see other people calendars at all? On both google and lotus, you can see when they’re available vs booked, just no details
I think he means client calendars