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Has anyone Deloitte submitted a client verification letter for their H1B consular visa appointment? Could you please share the template with me? The legal team has not gotten back to me in a week, my appt is next week. My project leadership is ready to provide a letter if I can give them a standard template
Gag orders- did your hospital have them?
Nothing changes but technology
I just got yelled at for this - my partner who is looking out for me told me not to be too eager to ask for work - his advice was being too eager to stay busy will get you trash work that no one else wants to do. To be fair I don’t think my billing requirement was in the forefront of his mind but I think the advice was solid.
I would ask around to see if there are opportunities that interest you before just taking what was left on the table (like getting stuck on doc review for a month like I am currently). Use the time to build relationships. And do not ask too many people , because with your luck they’ll all remember at the same time and no’s are expensive in this profession.
Yes, that’s a good perspective definitely helped me think of it differently. Thanks!
Don’t sell yourself out of a job! I understand the urge to make sure you’re busy, but law ebbs and flows, and I encourage you to enjoy the slower periods.
Maybe consider telling them you feel ready to take on more work and more complex assignments, and you’d like to be staffed on more matters. If there’s a particular type of case you want to work on, tell them that so they think of you when it comes in. If they already have a case you want in on, tell them. Maybe suggest a few MCLE programs you’re interested in that are relevant to your work.
Thanks for this! I think the main reason I was a bit concerned is that I don’t want them to think I don’t bring enough value.
Rising Star
A few questions before you decide to be “more assertive” with the partner. How many years have you been practicing? How long have you been with the firm/team? Is the work you’re completing “relatively quickly” done perfectly? Do you know enough to anticipate the tasks/work that will need to be done? If so, take initiative and volunteer to do it. Otherwise, just ask what else you can do to contribute to the team or enjoy the slow periods because they never last.
Been practicing just under 2 years, been at the firm 3 months new area of practice to me so I am still getting corrections. Thanks for this insight, made me think more!
How does your firm feel about pro bono? Many of our junior attorneys get their first court appearances thru pro bono.
Hmmm I need to look into this!