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So how do I make friends in Boston?
Edibles for insomnia - has anyone tried before?
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So how do I make friends in Boston?
It definitely can be a symptom but it’s not the only one I am diagnosed adhd and yes I definitely understand that because i do the same thing
That's my defining symptom that was a major issue.
Basically on a scale of 1 to 10, I would react as a 15.
I once cried at work because of this. Now my meds tamper my extreme emotional outbursts.
This may sound like it's dampening my emotions or personality but not for me. I'm still the same, just less intense. I still have to engineer my environment to work for me and my emotions (I'm highly sensitive and an empath) whenever I run out, forget to take, or forget to pick up my meds.
Definitely has helped me in my social life.
You sound like your telling my story ! Ans I have to say :: I no longer feel like no one understands me ! This tread is my daily dose of online therapy ! Thank you everyone for sharing all your stories , concerns, and strategy!
Makes a difference ❤️
I do
I call it low frustration tolerance, and find it rears its head particularly in times of stress
This is definitely a known symptom. Part of the whole executive dysfunction thing.
It's definitely a thing. I feel it most of the time but even more with close people i spend a long time with (living with my parents.. it's hell for the 3 of us, tbh).
I think it's because of repetition.. frequently repeated sounds is what annoys me the most, i think.
And when I'm getting tired and i have tv on/sounds, people talking, house noises, Bright lights.. i cant. I have to lock myself somewhere, away from everything.
Yes, its called stress! And I can be fine one minute and the next the littlest thing can anger me.
I feel like I’m irritated all the time and it’s so exhausting!
I think it is both I know I let the smallest thing get me angry.
It could also be a side effect of medication. Not sure if you are on any but you can get very agitated and angry when you are on certain medciations.
Um . . . yes. Just ask my husband. 😁
I am not a morning person so I feel this. Pretty much anything aggravates me until noon with medication or not.
I do, but I’ve been told that the fluctuations in my hormones are primarily to blame. My doctors confirmed that Having ADHD can exacerbate each mood, especially if you have depression or anxiety, also.
I'm the same way but only at night. I try to avoid interacting with anyone during those moments as much as I can.
I'm going through the same situation. I sometimes get so irritated without actually knowing why or why I am so pissed off with one small thing.
I’ve said this before , ans I’ll say it again ! I am so thankful for this ADHD group ! For so many years I felt I was just really different ans has always been labeled as difficult , yet everyone loves the fun side , the endless energy , the go getter, the happy go lucky person , but as soon as I show any frustration or voice my very strong , almost alway right every time opinions, I’m the one with issues ! So being on here , hearing about all the same things going on with each one is just so freeing and makes me feel so not removed from so many people places n things !So thank you all for your honesty, ans feelings ! It it so healing to me ans you all are born with I say the difficulty’s being us kind of life ! Thank you ! But we manage somehow !💕💙