I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to go back to a high pressure high paying job again but I do want to. I was so stressed out and miserable before. So I kind of took a break by taking it slow and got a different job. The plan was to recharge and go back. After a few mos, I’m missing the projects and sense of accomplishment, also the environment and people. I have the opportunity to go back to that sort of work again, but I don’t know
Tough call here. You might just be used to the chaos and you’re feeling a little withdrawal - I only say that because it’s only been a few months. Folks who go from extremely demanding jobs (and that’s all they know) sometimes have a difficult time going smaller. When I shifted to a smaller firm after big law, I was *miserable* for about six months, but I adjusted over time. I lasted four whole years! And then I did decide to go back to big law after a lot of careful thought, with no regrets. Just be careful. Maybe you need to learn to enjoy the slower pace.
First, the medium to small environment thing was never for me, so I recognized that pretty quickly after leaving BL and I knew eventually I’d have to go back to a more “polished” and professional environment. I had to leave big law to realize I needed that. Second, I went through a bad breakup and everything sort of changed priority wise, so I was ready to grind again. My life is very simple - I don’t have kids, I own a home, and I have a very active social life - but no baggage, no kids etc., and I knew I had more potential than the work I was doing, so it was an easy choice. I specialize in trial work so I’m the wrong person to ask about checking emails :) on a bad year, I work around the clock. And yeah, the money is spectacular. But if I was a lawyer, not sure I’d have gone back. The demands are so high.
Currently in a high pressure job that is slowly killing me and trying to mull options for a better quality of life — what did you end up doing for your break??
I recently moved to in-house consulting after leaving a high stress firm job. I feel like I can lean into the litigation fray as much as I can tolerate depending on the day. I'm still beholden to the partners and must produce high quality work product, but it's at a pace I control.
I would like to retain anonymity in that sense. You can direct message me if you'd like
If you don't know maybe it is not time yet. I got burnt out in my first run at big law. Went in house to a great company and got bored. Left after a year for both personal (move closer to home) and professional (huge advancement opportunity).
Many times I wish I had stayed. A former colleague and I used to reminisce about the "boring" jobs we wish we were mature enough to stick with while slaving away late nights.
Following bc same. It’s been a year for me. I try to remind myself that I’m being tunnel visioned and blocking out all the bad and only remembering the good. All that said, I’ll probably go back at the 1.5 year mark because I’m crazy and will likely regret it again. But you live and learn! No move is permanent.
I have zero desire for high pressure anymore. I’ve lost all desire for the glamour and ego stroking wins. It comes at too high a cost. I used to push myself to the breaking point. Now I just want to enjoy and explore life with my family. Does a slower pace feel like a real, respectable possibility for you? If not, why not? Now is a good time to sort out some of your subconscious drivers. Some of them may not be your own (maybe it’s what your parents want or what you think you need to be lovable, etc). Some of them may be outdated. Give yourself a chance to get really clear about your whys.
Review other options. At this point I personally don't see myself going into any high pressure job. That doesn't mean I don't work on creative new initiatives or have meaningful work. The pay is great and my schedule is flexible.
Out of curiosity, what kind of job do you have now? I’m interested in taking a step back at some point and have no idea what I would want to even do.
I have a high pressure job that is slowly killing me and still doesn’t pay well so count your blessings
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