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This trend really needs to stop! Lol

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On your period? Stressed? Bored?
I had a hysterectomy but still have an ovary so maybe it’s hormonal. Hard to know for sure but it feels like period eating now that you say that!! I forget about that since I don’t actually have periods anymore.
Definitely can be stress or hormone related. just like one meal or one week won't make you lose weight, neither will you gain. listen to your body for what it's asking for and be gentle with your mind and body! if your friend said this to you what would you say and how would you react to them. take care of yourself you're doing great!
Start your morning with a protein shake, then high protein at lunch on some type of Salad. It will reduce the cravings bc you will feel satiated.
The older I get, the worse the “week before my period” cravings get.