I feel like I don't deserve the promotion to manager. I feel like I got here only because I talk up my accomplishment. And now that I'm at a turning point, I'm self-sabotaging and doing a bad job to prove that I'm not worth it. Why am I like this....

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Sounds like you have some self esteem issues. Let's dig a little deeper on this...


Donald trump didn’t deserve to become the president but he did. Chances are, you deserve it more than you think. You are just being too hard on yourself


Maybe you really don't want to be a manager? It's totally ok not to want to have more responsibility (especially if it's not commensurate with authority)

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Need your advice.
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Do you like your colleagues and seniors? Why or why not. Can you share what it is like where you are?


I am 23yo living with their parents with 75k in cash. I am going to go buy a 2021 corvette tomorrow. YOLO.


Happy Sunday ❤️

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Once again… This week on Dateline:

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I'm a female attorney in a small town where we have 2 other female attorneys and a few female doctors (vast majority are male). I've noticed a cliche among non professional women in this town (primarily lifestyle coaches, pyramid schemers, batistas, and spa workers). After talking to another female attorney in my town, she said she also noticed this and felt like some of these women felt intimidated so they excluded us or ignored us at social functions. Has anyone else experienced this?


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What do you bring to the table ☕


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