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Older juniors are the best. They want it more
If 26 is old, then I was an old junior and now I'm a senior citizen senior. I wouldn't get so hung up on your age. And I wouldn't advise comparing yours with anyone else's. You'll psych yourself out over nothing.
Age is a number a lot like debt. No one knows if you don't show it, and everyone has a different story behind it. Plus, with Ad school being the new norm, both of those numbers are much higher than they used to be at the start of your career.
I went to ad school in my 30s. 25 is still very young.
Same! So glad I did
Are you kidding me? You're still young... you're fine. I went to school with 32+ year olds getting a 2nd degree and there was a 45 year old mom in my 4 year degree.
Got my first copywriting job at 33.
Been in the business—and happy—for over 20 years. Just saying.
I once worked with a 40-year-old junior. He was an auto mechanic working in a body shop for years. He’s done really well. Worked at some of the best agencies and has won a ton of awards. It’s fine.
Yes! I think of that 40 year old mechanic all the time. He was awesome. Older juniors often feel like they know what they want and go after it. They move up faster because of it too.
Ah, the quarter life crisis. Don't worry, you'll get past it. Then have another one in 5-7 years. Then another and another, etc. It's normal, but eventually you gotta get out of your own head. Try to focus on what you're doing now, what you want to do in the future, and how you're going to do it. And set the rest aside.
If this is what you want to do you go for it and you’ll love it and be very successful. I hired a 34 year old junior and they’re one of the best juniors I’ve ever seen. Tons of life experience, mature, responsible, great writer. You’re not old. I’m old. You have a whole career ahead of you, go after it!
Oh snap I just realized I was a 26 year old junior. Look: ECD! You got this👊
I was a 28 year old intern. Now I'm a 33 year old ACD. Honestly, I see a lot of "older" juniors do really well and in less time than their younger counterparts. They have a lot of skills that 20 year olds don't. People skills, maturity, different perspectives, etc.
You'll be fine.
Not 360i. I'd rather not say in case any coworkers are on here but it's a good shop. It helped that I quickly and consistently began winning national and international awards along with becoming a client favourite.
I am a 26 year old supervisor with a 28 and 31 in my pod. Do I consider them a failure? No. We’re different people with different thrives. Stop considering yourself a failure, and focus on polishing your skills, your craft is your selling point.
Well, not with that attitude.
Srsly tho. Why are you saying that? Feels like maybe you don’t want to do advertising?
Age doesn't matter. I work with younger and older creatives. You're being evaluated by the caliber of your ideas and how fun you are to be around, not your age.
I graduated portfolio school at 28 and was a junior for the next year
I was a jr ad at 32. Sometimes it can be weird, but I felt I had more experiences/insights than the younger jrs. Dont over think and follow your heart!
Omg. You are fine. I know plenty of juniors much older than you - title does not dictate skill, drive or intelligence!
There’s absolutely nothing wrong w being a junior at any age. We all start somewhere. Age isn’t a reflection of your talent.
Thanks for all the support everyone. This has been very helpful to read.
I started as a 28y/o junior. 7 years later, 3 lions, 6 Clios, 3 D&AD, 6 EFFIEs, 2 cross country moves, 4 gigs at large agencies and now im an ACD. It’s all about how much you love what you do and how hard you work for your goals.
I entered the industry at 37. You’d better bet my experience beforehand matters. I had no one to look up to, but sometimes you have to be the one others are supposed to follow.
I’m a 27 year old jr designer trying to be a 28 year old junior copywriter so I feel u