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Has anyone ever met someone at the gym ?
Jummah Mubarak Fam ☪️💚
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If you’ve ever thought of meditating; there’s no better time than now! We need it for our mental health. Join me at tomorrow’s meetup Q&A to find out more about this powerful meditation method. It has helped me and changed me tremendously.
Have tailor bunions at 25 😭😭😭 I’m getting old 😟
Unless you’re in some really bad pain, the human body does not need to get adjusted/a chiropractor. PT can be very effective, but getting randomly adjusted can actually have the opposite effect of what you’re hoping for.
This is a completely opposite understanding of what chiropractors do. They’ll “re-align” you but even the best ones, unless they incorporate PT, won’t do anything about the root cause. Most just pop a few things and send you on your way, knowing you’ll be back in a month or so with the same issue
I did it for 6 months. It was the best thing ever. My workouts and posture at work were better. I moved and now I’m looking for a new chiropractor.
I moved to DC
I was skeptical for the longest time. I’ve had a few visits now and I’m converted. Read reviews or better yet ask for a recommendation from your friends—that’s where I found mine. Issues I’ve neglected for years as “just how I am” have been resolved in just a few visits. I’m a believer.
Haha I assume you’re posting this from reading my post about chiropractor. I am thinking the same thing. My guess is even if the worst case scenario, they cannot help with my pain but help align my body, I would be happy with that.
The issue is that there are way more bad chiropractors than good ones (essentially only quick relief instead of treating the symptoms), therefore giving them the bad reputation. Also there’s no scientific backed research on how effective it is.
I have a separate LMT and chiropractor that I started seeing recently haha.
I once saw one for my back after a car accident but it didn’t help with my pain. It just made things worse for me. Then I saw a physical therapist and I was all better and that’s what inspired me to become one.
I would suggest combining regular massage and PT with short/consistent walks before trying chiropractor.
I have got pain relief from a chiropractor but it was for a specific issue, whiplash from a car wreck. Otherwise I avoid them.
Going to see one was the best thing I could have done for my back pain. It worked wonders for me. I know a lot of people say you have to always see the chrio so it's all BS to take your money but honestly, a lot of doctors in the medical field like to find ways to keep the repeat business. I go once a month for $30 and I don't feel that's feel that's unreasonable at all.
Now I would say away from the ones that are these subluxation zealots. While I can get behind the back being all jacked up can cause issues all over the body I truly think it's silly to belive all of your medical problems can be solved by being adjusted
Hahaha, nope. In SC
This may sound like a gimmick but many fitness trackers remind you to get up and walk around every hour. Good to do when hunched over a laptop all day.
I saw a chiropractor while pregnant and it was the best decision! I only pushed for 20 minutes when I went into labor and definitely attribute it to the chiropractor.
If you google, the various studies show some issues can be helped with chiropractic services. But there are many issues where you should not use a chiropractor.
Chiros are quacks with no medical training. The fact that some of them may have figured out how to do things that are beneficial doesn’t mean you should trust them with your body, particular when they can do irreparable harm. Go see a PT or a sports med doc