I gave someone specific feedback on a piece of work. It wasn't actioned. They said it was already approved and they can't actually apply my feedback, so I went through my emails and there's a paper trail where I gave feedback and said that it's not approved as it stands / until that feedback is applied.

What's the best way to explain to them that I have receipts and they should just do their job rather than gaslighting me?

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Hahah it’s me everyday. It’s the curse of ACDs not having the real CD title but battling to get the work to a better place with teams.
I usually do 2 things.

1. Does the feedback really matter at this stage or is it more my ego coming into play? If the amends do not improve the work that much I let it go as I’m learning to CD over doing the granular work.

2. In the case it is important and should be revised I don’t let it sit too much and get on a call with the creative team ASAP. The tone is friendly but firm, explaining that it does improve the work quality and should be done. I make a point to always finish the convo with “in the future we can avoid doing this scramble by xxxx, also let’s make sure you two flag to the resource manager when you’re overwhelmed on projects so we avoid having emails getting lost like the feedback I sent on this project.”
You want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they might be busy over them trying to be sneaky.

Hope that helps! 💁🏻‍♀️




Be more assured in your role as CD. If you’re feeling gaslighted, it seems that you’re playing the victim. As a leader you are in a position to control the narrative here. At this point, leave their work unchanged but re-iterate that they ignored you and they need to win back your trust and respect. Make them mindful of the process.

Source: I probably did this a couple of times as a creative but was pulled up by my CD at the time. I had worked in different countries where the titles carried a bit less weight. When I realized how I had undermined them I genuinely felt bad and consequently kept them in the loop on everything going forward. It helped build mutual respect.


it wasn’t “actioned” haha


You just forward the email and say exactly what you did here. It wasn’t approved, here’s the email where it says it’s not approved, make the change, bye. How is a CD being gaslit by someone junior?


Who is “they”? The creative team you oversee? Account team? External production co?


I would look at the project as a whole and ask a few questions before making assumptions. Chances are there might have been a later convo that maybe you weren’t a part of - depending on the type of work client approvals usually go through multiple people/departments on client side before they get green lighted. I’d ask 1. Did client prioritize something else that would impact the hours/ability to apply said feedback? 2. Was there a missed conversation that both of you should have been apart of? 3. How tight is the deadline? There’s lots of moving parts, and factors that could have impacted this, and there might be a larger reason behind it. Just a different perspective/possibility.


Adopt a better proof routing and approval process that’s not email. Who’s the ultimate approver on the projects?


I don’t fully understand the situation, but I can say switching to a more personal form of communication usually helps when clarifying miscommunication errors.

Phone call, Zoom, in person, etc.

Also, be sure to figure out what your goal is first: to get the feedback implemented, revise feedback process, etc. That’ll help focus your next steps.

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