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In addition to the Central/West role I posted earlier today, I'm also recruiting candidates located in the East US region for an Enterprise AE role at Workato ($5.7B valuation).
Workato is an automation platform company ranked in the Gartner Magic Quadrant.
Link to apply to the East role:

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I think its normal to get bored sometimes, but if it's all the time then you are not being challenged enough or are not in the right role.
It could be a number of issues, lack of interest, not feeling fulfilled in your role, general depression, anxiety, etc.
Sounds like you're no longer being challenged. Is there another role you might transition to that would help you stretch and grow more? Or maybe you just need a change of company.
I just changed to this company some months ago and already have the feeling of a boring routine. It's so monotonous and repetitive.
I find if I am bored it is because I am not being challenged enough/maybe the job I have is not the job I want. You need to feel valued in order to feel fulfilled, so boredom in a role is not a good sign you enjoy the work.
I do from time to time, mostly enjoy the customer interactions and absolutely hate long internal meetings without purpose or effect, all the reviews and the CRM data input. This is massively killing my mojo.
I think it just means you haven't found the right role yet. I used to feel that way until I found a job that I really love
What fires you up? (I hated my co-op jobs in university, so I became a fulltime club DJ...then radio...then TV)
Is that what you're still doing today, TV? I'm really into comedy and acting, but don't feel like pursuing it as being scripted funny for a living sounds kinda weird and potentially poor and sad. The latter especially if nobody thinks you're funny which seems harder to live with than rejection in sales.
Hmm. Lots of possible reasons. It could be a lack of motivation, depression or lack of challenge.
Lots of reasons. For me, I've found that being bored stems from being unfulfilled. Think about what you really want to do and what kind of company you want to work for and go from there.
How do I find out? I'm very approachable and easily swooned which makes it difficult for me to pinpoint what I'm really passionate about.