I got promoted, but so did the other guy. We’re on a small team and all I can do is compare myself to him and obsess over what that conversation must have looked like. Who was closer? Who was better? Etc.

I know it’s dumb. We both got what we wanted and he’s AWESOME! It’s totally fair, but has anyone else struggled with this? Just checking.

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I'm a glass half empty person, so I'd be grateful they didn't promote him without promoting me (even if I think I deserved it more than him). I have a feeling in small groups it's more likely they move people up "together" so as not to slight either person if you're relatively similar. If you have an opportunity to talk to a decision maker, and you think you're miles ahead of the other guy, maybe ask how you can distinguish yourself (beyond what you're already doing).


Future Success can be achieved working together . Don’t sabotage for silly reasons .


When I was a kid I used to swim and race. My dad told me told to not look at the person in the other lane or else I’d lose. That advice applies here IMHO.


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