I had a missed miscarriage in January and opted for the D&C after the medication didn’t work. I found out I was pregnant again earlier this month but yesterday began the nightmare again, loss of symptoms, dull aching pain… I’m seeing my fertility specialist for what would have been an early ultrasound later this week. I’m afraid my body won’t naturally expel again and I’ll be left waiting in pain again to confirm the loss. Anyone navigate more than one missed miscarriage?

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Ask your RE to run a blood panel on you that tests for things like antiphospolipid syndrome that could increase your chances of miscarriage. If something comes up they add baby aspirin and or lovenox to your protocol to help keep the pregnancy.


After two miscarriages you should absolutely request the recurring loss panel. It could just be horrible luck but there also could be something going on that you would want to know about before getting pregnant a third time and possibly miscarrying again. So sorry for your losses💕


Good luck. I had a miscarriage almost a year ago and haven’t been able to get pregnant again since then. We have done all the fertility testing and nothing obviously wrong is showing up. We are taking a break from trying because it’s emotional exhausting and maybe it’s a sign that kids are just not for us.


I totally get that. It really a a lot. Sending you ♥️


We’ve had two miscarriages (D&C for first and D&E for second) and a few chemicals along the way. We waited 3 months to start trying after the D&C and 6 months to start trying again after the D&E. We also had a bunch of tests done through our maternal fetal medicine doctor (genetic testing for both of us) and turned out that we aren’t carriers for anything. They said that since we are able to get pregnant that is a good sign and to keep trying. I’d say that while the testing didn’t show anything - it gave us a sense of relief and one less thing to worry about and has given us more confidence trying now so I do recommend to get the testing that they offer. Good luck ❤️


Thank you 🙏

I am so sorry for your pain. I have had 3 miscarriages. The last one, I had to expel with D&C. The first period after D&C is the most pain I have ever experienced in my life. I’m an IVF patient by the way. Good news is coming your way soon.


I am 3 weeks late. Haven’t achieved a normal cycle yet but this is the 2nd period after D&C so fingers crossed 🤞🏾


Friend had two MMC and two D&Cs within ~6 months apart. Third one stuck and she has a healthy baby. Did all of the testing and turns out just bad luck the first two. Hope you’re in the same boat!


Sorry to hear. We had two missed miscarriages. It's devastating and I hope you are okay.


My wife had two miscarriages before she successfully delivered twins. We wasted some money getting some fertility tests done. In reality since you got pregnant two times, nothing is wrong with you, it just takes a few tries.


I believe after 3-4 months. My advice is to keep trying. Don’t feel that it’s not for you or anything. I cannot imagine what would have happened if we stopped trying.


I'm so sorry. My ob said she wouldn't order any testing until I've gone through 3 consecutive miscarriages. I just went through my first one - it's so taxing on your body, emotionally and mentally. Sending you best wishes on your journey.

I am so sorry for your loss, it is such a painful journey.

I had two missed miscarriages prior to conceiving my second, everyone was pretty dismissive of doing a work up (heard the same thing that Google 1 said above), plus given I had a baby before (that I conceived quickly) and since I was only 30/31, doctors were like "everything is fine" + "bad luck" 🙄.

However, I felt something was off and advocated myself + found an RE that was willing to do a work up. Nothing was found but I ended up doing a monitored letrozole cycle + IUI and got pregnant on the second try (and healthy baby born last year :)).

I did try right away after my second miscarriage as well, but after two losses I felt like I had "lost" a lot of time so wanted to expedite getting help. I also in parallel cleaned up my diet a ton (with the hope to improve my viable egg quality).

Hi, very sorry you went through this, its been a week since your post so I don’t know if you opted for a D&C or are still waiting to naturally expel, I had 2 miscarriages (and 2 D&C’s) in the span of 4 months, since then I have noticed a few minor health issues (back ache, hair fall, etc) and did some blood tests, the results came out as deficiency in a few vitamins and nutrients. I do recommend taking very good care of your health and prioritizing yourself right now. Take your time and take help to heal. Lots of love ❤️

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Anyone have to give herself the progesterone shot?? Single mom by way of donor and a bit nervous about that part. All the other shots were no problem. FET is in two weeks. I’ll learn Monday how to do them. Should I watch YouTube??


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