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I have an offer from Capgemini and I am satisfied with the offer. Actually I was not actively looking for a change when this came in. I have good work life balance at my current organization and wouldn't want to risk losing it now. Especially since I just started a family and would like to spend time with my family. Can anyone tell me about the WLB at Capgemini?
Tata Consultancy
Hi folks,What is the wfh situation in fidelity?
Rising Star
We had an abnormal result come back at 22 weeks (amnio at 19 weeks after an abnormal anatomy scan) and the diagnosis was that if our baby was born, she would not have been able to live outside of the hospital or she might die in my womb before birth. We chose to abort at 23 weeks, 5 days. We chose to save our baby from a life filled with nothing but pain and suffering. It was the most agonizing decision we have ever had to make and we are still in mourning. And even though we live in a blue state, we were told that we might have to travel out of state bc of timing and jurisdiction. Luckily a university three hours away from us was able to preform the surgery in our home state. This news is absolutely devastating. Women will die. Families will be forced to suffer. I’m heartbroken and now scared to even try to get pregnant again.
Rising Star
What’s also crazy is that I just told me husband that I posted this on here and he brought up that it might not be a good idea to share that we elected to have an abortion on any forum… and I agree…such a scary time we are living in 😓
I originally twins and after doing several (ALL) of the tests one of the twins had abnormalities and I got a reduction at 17 weeks. I was high risk anyway for twins (37) and from all the testing I did we found out for me to carry to one baby healthily to term we had to reduce. Hardest decision ever but if they overturn that choice won’t be given to others and it’s sickening.
Hi there, really appreciate you sharing your story (as well as the others on this thread). While I don’t think it’s anyones business as to why a woman or couple would abort a pregnancy, I really really wish people understood the importance of being able to abort in a nonviable pregnancy and how traumatic it would be for a woman to not have this choice and carry a nonviable pregnancy to term. Deeply cruel. The experience is already so very traumatic. I find pro-life individuals tend to make it seem black and white, and unfortunately pregnancy is deeply complicated. Many women have to walk away from a very wanted pregnancy for various reasons. Pregnancy can be a life-threatening condition for some women.
So in summary, really appreciate you being open with your story. I can’t imagine how hard that expierence was and it breaks my heart that we’d force any woman in the US to carry a non-viable pregnancy to term 💗💔