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I agree. It’s gotten too far from its religious roots.
I too hate fun.
It’s my Christmas, where I dance with magic, sin, and spirits. 😈 💕🌙🎃🙆🏾♀️
It's kind of like dance clubs - I can see how it's fun for lots of people, and I'm glad they have a good time. But I don't personally enjoy it either, and, similar to dance clubs, I particularly don't like the fact that people will automatically think you're some kind of reclusive loser if you don't like it. It's just not my thing. You're not alone, SVP.
I hated it until I had a kid. She loves it and I love her loving it. Plus I just sit around and drink wine while she has the best night ever!
It’s so creative. It’s the best
Halloween is the greatest. Had awesome memories dressing up like Stimpy three years in a row as a kid, moved on to having nights of adolescent adventures filled with eggs and shaving cream and even the first time I smoked weed was 8th grade Halloween, and now fast forward to having kids of my own where I’m
the class mom helping with school parties and watching their faces literally light up with joy all day. The whole neighborhood comes together to celebrate and make it magical for the kids. You even get to be a kid again yourself. Do it up next year, OP. YOLO.
I too hate fun.
I like it for about an hour. Maybe we can streamline it?
It’s literally the worst
Booooo! Why no fun?
Sorry, I had to.
I hate it when girls/women use Halloween to dress as the sexy nurse, sexy cop, sexy race care driver. Yada yada. Pick any costume and add the word sexy to it. Any excuse
Agreed. Unless it’s an AI generated sexy costume. All day for those.