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Hello 🐠.
I'm setting up a new aquarium. AMA
I graduated with a master's degree in Dec 2021 and have been struggling to find a job since then. I have been referred to a graduate program at PwC recently but at the time I did not know of adding more keywords in the resume to get through the ATS so I was wondering if I'll be selected with a basic resume.
Curious to know how effective referrals are for grad roles at PwC and how they work.PwC
Fantasizing about calling in sick tomorrow.
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Yes. I started as an agency producer. Nobody ever gave me an onboarding, nobody taught me about how to run a proper triple bid or any of the agency policies on freelancers vs vendors, etc.. Just word of mouth stuff passed on here and there that you picked up over time, especially when you screwed stuff up. Its way more efficient and effective for agencies to train producers for a week upon hire than just throwing them to the wind. Saves money in the long term. Don't understand why more agencies don't do it.
In the currency agency landscape with budgets being tight, there’s no reason to hire cost consultants. Agency producers now have to negotiate themselves and ask for favors to get the job produced and out the door. I’ve had more success by picking up the phone and selling the creative to production partners, and then negotiating the bid myself than having a cost consultant involved. A good producer gets the right creative partner for the job within budget without the help of a cost consultant. They’re useless and most times frustrated individuals who give you attitude over attempting to save $300 on a $2M job
External cost consultants are about as knowledgeable and qualified to speak on our current industry landscape as a Trump cabinet member.
I think our EPs do a great job at that. Cost consultants are there to save money not to help guide clients into making the creative better. Ray and Bridget are far superior to a lot of the clowns these cost consultants we work with