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Spray her with febreez every hour or so
OP, I know it’s super hard to bring up as it’s embarrassing for everyone, but it does need to be said. If you’re not super friendly with her, find someone who is. If no one is, I’d suggest another female tell her. I know this may sound old fashioned, but it’s already uncomfortable and to have the other gender tell you, it’s more embarrassing. If you can get the courage, I would tell her privately, “FYI, I feel really weird saying this, but whether it’s in your clothes or something else, your workout can still be smelled. “
Also, if she’s THAT stinky, my guess is she either doesn’t wear deodorant or she wears natural deodorant and it’s not working for her
It may be her bra actually. That's what makes most sense, and something she may not change day to day, and obviously won't wash between wears
Tell her politely, one on one, preferably toward the end of the day on the last day of the week or before everyone flies home so she doesn’t have to carry around the weight of realizing she’s stinky all day at client site, without any way to easily fix it.
Bring it up politely maybe during a performance review. Also, it might not be her fault. I have seen people with terrible BO caused by other medical issues.
It’s to the point that I literally smelled her before I saw her this week. It makes the team room smell pungent, and I’m SURE the clients must notice. Is there a kind way to broach this subject?
Are you under the impression that she bathes after working out? At home or client site gym?
Matters because it could help you focus on whether it’s an issue with the need to shower or if she’s reusing clothes, etc
I don’t know; I think she probably does a quick rinse? She always looks put-together (hair, makeup) and she really loves her morning workouts. I don’t know if she’s still sweating after the shower or if it’s the hair or what. She doesn’t look grubby or anything - it’s just an overwhelming smell of sweat
Hotel gym
Agree, something needs to be said. And in person. And in a kind way.
I like the fabreeze idea.
Bring febreeze spray to the office, she’ll get the hint
^you want her to include it in her performance review?