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Agile project delivery - Fact or Fiction?
The places I’ve worked at, as much as they say they delivery projects via agile, rarely achieve this (mostly waterfall with a small sprinkling of agile words thrown in for good measure).
Google / Facebook (Meta) / Amazon / Tesla / Apple / anyone else - please tell me that agile project delivery exists (and how have you made this possible in your company?)
Thank you.
BCG1: I was with your competitor firm previously before joining Google. Seen both constructs. You are welcome to join back wont face referral challenges 😀
I unfortunately do not have any experience working with Google, but I wish you all the best in finding someone capable!
I no longer work at Google but wishing you the best in finding a referral OP
Being a referral is no longer a thing you need to be noticed in the hiring process. Make sure your resume clearly outlines that youeou meet the MQs to set yourself up for success.
Referral is absolutely a Differentiator!
I don't work at Google but good luck I hope you get what you want