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That bad boy is going to soar in the morning. Personally, I'd try to sell between 9:40am-10am tomorrow. So much buying will be happening it'll be sold bought immediately. You'll miss out on some gains, but you're ping to make a very nice profit. That's what I did with my Target option.
See. I sold it as soon as the market opened. I did lose out on a few hundred more had I held on, but I didn't want to take the chance.
not saying VP1 is wrong, and anything can happen. i know i’ve been burned hard by not taking profits.
but to give you another perspective, you are going to be well ITM. so IV crush isn’t going to hit you nearly hard as someone who yoloed a 1/31 $180. which means you don’t need to panic sell right as the market opens.
Well done! Remember, all those little plays add up.
Personally, I'd sell in the morning. I wouldn't get greedy. But that's me.
Ya I held it through - should see how it turnout. In the morning.
Since Microsoft is a long term hold is it a good idea to exercise this option for $16,500 and keep it in my long term hold ?
Post a screenshot of your position
nice, i also sold shortly after the open as i saw how SPX was tanking