I have a question about audit in Europe. Is the work life balance just as bad? As the stereotype goes, they work as a means to live rather than living to work. If that is true, what is different if the type of work is more or less the same?

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Not Europe, but my component team in Brazil told us that if they work over a certain amount of hours the firm gets fined. However PwC doesn't give a shit and just pays it.


No, my friend works for PWC in Europe and even his busy season is max 55 hours


I don't know about European audit but i work with my cowokers in Europe a lot who are part of my audit team. In general, they have a better work life balance and they respect time off more than people here. And they don't work on SOX unless you are auditing a US company so that's one thing off your plate. However, deadlines are deadlines, especially external reporting deadlines. So with those coming up, they will work over time if needed. Moreover, if you work for a company with its HQ in the US, then you sometimes have to stay a bit later in the day to have calls with the US folks. My team tends to keep that in mind but sometimes it's just inevitable. And oh, they have BETTER maternity leave if that appliez to you or your SO


I worked 3 years in Europe and worked a Saturday once - the Manager felt bad and gave me time back in lieu.
Also, working days aren’t 8 hours - in some places they’re 7. You’ll probably work 8, but at least it’s not mandated 8 hours more likely working 9.


Moved to NYC from Europe. Work life balance is WAY better in Europe. Less hours, better vacation packages and generally better work life balance/attitude towards work.

We just put in 65-70h /week since January in Switzerland - it‘s usual around here, also you cannot generalize Europe. E.g. Switzerland has a 41-45h week with 4 week holiday per code of obligation, whereas other countries are having more vacations and less hours.

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