I have an interview for a job tomorrow but noticed this morning that the posting for the job was taken down from the company’s site (as well as on LinkedIn). Has anyone experienced this before? Doesn’t taking the posting down mean they’ve found someone for the job already?

Posting as :
works at
You are currently posting as works at

Not always - sometimes they’ll just take it down if they have sufficient pool of applications to select from.


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Additional Posts in Interview Tips

interviewing for the first time since forever (I know, should have switched earlier), I had the last interview for one firm and expected to hear back from them last week, nothing as of now. Don't feel like I'm being ghosted yet, they are not in a rush to find someone. 

Do you usually inquire on the status? I'm also having a last round with another firm on Friday. Should I tell any firm that I'm in the interview process with another one? What is the best strategy these days? Thank you


Does KPMG send you a rejection email? Did my last round last week Friday and haven’t heard back. Followed up with the recruiter and she said she’s following up with the team


How do you stay sane while waiting for the next steps after your initial interview? Ive been refreshing my email every 5 minutes 😭 lol


First of all I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with friends and family (and lots of yummy food). Unfortunately back to the grind tomorrow and back to searching for new job opportunities, this is my most updated resume and I’m not sure if this is the right format to use, would you consider this to be “too modern”?? Should I go back to a more simple format like the very last picture? Any tips/suggestions are welcome, thank you for your time. MORE PICTURES IN COMMENT SECTION.

Post Photo

Does anyone get a lot of interviews from huge companies but is terrible at interviewing?

I have gotten quite a lot of phone screens, first rounds, and more… but I haven’t been successful in landing the job.


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I had an interview on 2/25 that went well but they let me know it would be a couple weeks before they make a decision. The hiring manager gave me her cell number at the end, but I haven’t used it yet. I sent her a thank you email and haven’t heard anything since (this Friday is going to be 2 weeks). Since she gave me her number, should I text her at this point to reiterate my interest? If so, what would you recommend saying? (Cont…)


This is for all hiring managers! What is the one answer that changed your mind on a candidate?


I’ve been applying and applying with no luck on even getting calls. The couple interviews I did have were from recruiters. (I usually use a recruiter as the process is just easier with knowing the salary upfront. I’ve never had an issue interviewing or with my resume to get a job. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong this time around?


I have my final business case interview tomorrow with @QuantumBlack (McKinsey & Company ) (tech role) and I'm scared about the Personal Experience Leadership question.

I never led any team, at most I "solved problems" but that is part of the "Entrepreneurial drive" question.

I don't want to lie, what should I say if they ask me something about leadership?

QuantumBlack McKinsey & Company


Anyone ever had a phone screening call with someone from Accenture and want to provide some tips ?


What are you wearing to video interviews? Female interviewing in a second round for a mid-senior level job on Wednesday.


Thread: I’ve been talking to this company for months and the recruiter has been in and out with communication. A few weeks ago, he reached out, apologized for the delay and explained they needed to figure out role priorities but that they’re moving forward, I’m a top candidate, & they wanted to wrap up interviews and extend an offer the following week. He never reached out to set up interviews and hasn’t replied to any of my calls or emails.


I’ve been wanting to start looking at job listings for a new position but I get SO nervous about interviews that it holds me back. I’m usually not a socially anxious person and can talk to anybody, but for some reason professional interviews are crippling for me. I know I should just go into it like a normal conversation but I’m so focused on being impressive, articulate and professional that my true personality gets buried under that mask. Any suggestions?


Any insights to add to the process on the company side? There is a new person being added to the team and the interview process is ongoing. What are things to look for that are red flags? What are GOOD signs?


After one interview, I tried to withdraw my candidacy due to the salary being lower than expected. Shortly after the hiring manager contacted me to inform me that they accidentally gave me the wrong salary range and invited me to come back for a second interview. I delightedly agreed and the second interview went very well, BUT I haven’t heard anything back yet. Did I accidentally kill my chances by withdrawing too soon then deciding to come back?


I’m applying for a Fundraising manager position and have gone through 4 previous rounds of interviews. It looks promising. I have a “final” interview with the CEO on Friday. I’ve already answered all questions about my past experiences in previous interviews. What should I be prepared for in this interview ?


Need some advice as I already have an offer from EY but my other interviews are not over yet. I have ongoing interviews with Microsoft, Twilio and Revolut. They are trying to fasten up the process but I believe it might take another 7-10 days time.

On the other hand, HR in EY is asking to make a decision urgently, which is understandable as they have already waited for 3 days now.

Any suggestions?


Can you please share the hardest “Tell me abt a time…” question you’ve gotten during an interview. Trying to prepare. Thanks!!


How should one answer the question for: “Why do you want to work here?” and “You have been in your role for about a year. Why are you looking to leave your current position and why our company?” Context: I am interviewing for a large financial firm but have been in govt for my entire career. This role would be a data/project management role. Any help is appreciated!! TIA!
