I have my baseline appointment for FET tomorrow… our first transfer cycle since a loss in March. I’m pretty scared considering how the last one ended. Can anyone share their story of a successful pregnancy after experiencing a loss?

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I haven’t made it to the finish line yet, but… 22 weeks now after an unexplained loss at 16 weeks last year (both pregnancies from genetically normal FETs). I had complications from my prior loss so it took 6 months of surgery and monitoring to even get to my second FET, and I spent the whole first trimester in deep anxiety about another loss (I still have this!) My tips - find a therapist who specializes in fertility/neonatal loss, and insist on working with a high risk OB when the time is right. This team has made me feel seen and supported in my fears and paranoia, and while pregnancy after loss is never the same as an innocent pregnancy, they have helped me start to feel the joy that is within reach. Best of luck 💕


I’m so glad to hear your current pregnancy is progressing well! Thank you for sharing. Some really good advice here! Best of luck to you over the next few months and beyond!

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Any IVF success stories out there? Failed our first transfer with an AA graded genetically normal embryo. No one can tell me what went wrong, feeling very discouraged. Only 2 embryos left 🙁


I am planning to change jobs but worried about losing the IVF coverage. I was reading that New Jersey mandates that all insurance providers that cover pregnancy, should provide fertility coverage. Does that mean, we have blanket coverage if we stay in New Jersey. What if the employer is in New York? Looks like NY also have similar mandate. Which one will apply and how?


Feb 2020: IUI leading to miscarriage at 7 weeks. August 2020: IVF frozen transfer (ICSI), miscarriage at 6 weeks. February 2021: IVF transfer #2, went for 8 week US today, baby’s measuring on track, heart rate of 170, I saw the heart beat and baby gave a little wiggle. Graduated from our fertility clinic, with 10 week US scheduled for
2 weeks from today. For now....the happiness is real (I’m the hubby btw).


Hi ladies, can someone enlighten me with IVf process? Would like to know how long long it takes for one cycle? And when is it done after period? I.e, which day? Background: thinking of doing it during my visit to india when I am planning to stay there for couple of months. Unsure if it’s a wise choice but considering the cost I am thinking of giving atleast one shot in india..


I‘ve completed my 3rd round of ivf which resulted in 4 eggs being retrieved and only 1 blastocyst that was transferred/failed. Each round of IVF I’ve only produced 3-4 eggs even with increasing the medications. I’m only 35 but have a low amh .425 and my dr is suggesting to go back to IUIs since I was getting the same number of eggs when we went through that process. (Tried twice and both times didn’t work). Anyone have any success going back to IUI after IVF? Should I stay with IVF?


Hi, I’m 30yrs old and by next week I will be 31yrs old. Got married 2 yrs ago and we have been trying for kids from past 7 months but no luck, we try to have sex almost all 7 days of fertile window. I get my periods regularly, I don’t have thyroid nor PCOD. My Gyn did all test, and everything looks fine, my ovaries, Fallopian tubes , harmonies. Do I need to see fertility doctor ,if so, how is the best fertility doctor near Boston area. Need inputs for next steps before it’s too late 😒


Looking for some advice. I'm 35 turning 36 soon. After 2 months of trying with my husband, I got pregnant. We were so happy until finding out 7 weeks later we miscarried. My doctor is telling me to wait another 6 months and keep trying. Then we would start looking at fertility and going down that route. It has been 2 months and haven't gotten pregnant (after the miscarriage). I'm thinking of setting up an appointment with fertility clinic now versus waiting another 4 months. Any advice for me?


Any words of wisdom as I begin taking Femara and prep for an IUI? It’s been a year of trying and I’ve pretty much given up any sort of tracking anymore because it’s too unpredictable and disappointing.


I’m about to undergo elective egg retrieval (not due to infertility, just preserving my eggs!). Does anyone know if insurance typically covers the medication component (I.e. the injected meds)? I know the cycles themselves won’t be covered since I have no history of infertility. Thank you!


For those who have been pregnant how did you feel before you knew successfully conceived? I’ve done the google search of symptoms for before you are able to take a formal test, but wanted to know some personal experience. Thanks!


Hurry up eggs, I need my retrieval to happen BEFORE Thanksgiving.


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Hello fishies,
Just wanted to share this in case someone else is going thru the same things as we were. This bowl has helped us over the last 3 years of TTC, so I thought I’d share our going news and what our situation was. We were scheduled to start IVF treatments last week but the appnt got cancelled and we found out yesterday that we were pregnant naturally after 3 years of TTC and 4 failed IUIs. Here was our issues; my wife has one blocked tube and she had uterine polyps which …Continued


I will be doing FET next month and doctor was discussing to have natural or controlled transfer. Was curious to know people who went through transfer, what did u pick and why? I'm not sure what to do....


Hi everyone, I am 4 days into my IUI process. I also recently found out that my UTI was not a UTI but instead Ureaplasma. My husband also tested positive.
We are waiting to hear back from the fertility specialist but I wanted to see if anyone has had this experience, or any knowledge. I’m nervous that the antibiotics will affect my ability to conceive, but just as nervous ureaplasma will make it difficult as well. I can wait until next month and start over but I really don’t want to. Any advice


My BFF’s husband has delayed ejaculation and trouble ejaculating inside her. They are TTC and she is super stressed. Any tips on how to handle this scenario?


Does IUI treatments use the same funds allotted for other fertility treatments like IVF? We’ve had 3 unsuccessful IUIs and wondering if we should do another or just wait to go to IVF in February. We don’t necessarily want to spend more money on IUI since it’s been unsuccessful thus far especially if that money dips into our fertility fund with the insurance.


Has anyone ever taken the Modern Fertility's fertility hormone self test? If so, what did you think of it?


We’re doing our first transfer after over a year long wait since retrieval. We’re both extremely anxious and nervous at the same time. We have 3 healthy embryos banked - AA girl, BB boy and BB girl. We’re just keen on a healthy child although given a choice we would like to start with a boy. How do you determine which is the best quality embryo ?


Where can I go to check my sperm cou