I have really been struggling with my ADHD lately. What mobile apps or programs do you guys recommend to help manage symptoms? How do you stay on task and remain focused?

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Habitica has been helpful for building sustainable routines. It helps reduce cognitive load to get daily habits internalized.

Medito is nice for free meditations.

I've got nothing for ya when it comes to productivity apps. They never stick. I'm considering going back to a physical planner... writing things down by hand helps and avoids more distracting phone time.

I also like whiteboards. Avoids the out of sight - out of mind problem.


Also can recommend an adhd coach for someone to talk with and some strategies to help w your Individual challenges. It’s been very validating for me!


Hey! I also went to UCSD :) loved the variety of environments with different colleges + beach, wish I was diagnosed earlier :p

Expertadhdcoaching.com! I’ve enjoyed talking with someone who “gets it” though for me, some of it has also been hyper focus and “shiny new object syndrome” :) and reddit with all the adhd threads is pretty great as well for validation!


Pomodoro timers help especially if I can cowork with someone.


Reddit had this which was pretty helpful to summarize:

There are web browsers that will time everything for you and help with the planning part.


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Brain Focus is simple enough that I don't get annoyed and it's free.


Thank you! I will try those out. Much appreciated!

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