I just got a new job offer for a new company. I haven’t disclosed my pregnancy - I worked really hard for it and didn’t want to risk it - when should I tell them? I’m 15 weeks.

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I just moved back to Canada so I have a full year mat leave no matter what which is great so I’m not worried about that bit (I likely will go back early) but just feel guilty about knowing I’ll be off after 5 months of work


In that case, I would not feel bad about waiting! Life happens and they shouldn’t expect you to halt your career transition because you’re expecting unless you wanted to! A lot of people seem to wait until after the anatomy scan to disclose, since you never know what might happen. If you think it’s a good culture fit based on your time with them during the recruiting process and you’re interested in the role, go for it!


This is just what I’ve been looking for! Found out I was pregnant right after accepting the offer and unsure when to share being so new! And after 2 weeks on the job had my first appt and found out I am due a bit sooner than expected. But will share after my 18 week scan in two weeks!


Let us know how you progressed



What’s their culture like? I’d find out more about their maternity leave benefits and eligibility and then use that in your negotiations if you feel comfortable disclosing. Since you got the offer, you could theoretically disclose if you think it’s best. (They could theoretically rescind but legally that’s messy for them to go there). I was 12 weeks when I got multiple offers and I didn’t tell my current firm until after I started and the 20 week scan. But I knew the culture was very supportive and accommodating and I’d be eligible for the full paid leave.

With another company, I didn’t feel comfortable disclosing and didn’t mention it even as I negotiated my offer. I’m glad I picked my current firm - the fact that I didn’t feel comfortable was one of many red flags with the other one!


Agree that the most important thing is to get a good understanding of their benefits and make sure you would be eligible for maternity leave. I wouldn’t feel obligated to tell them before accepting the offer because you are still pretty early.


Thanks all!!!


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