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Whip something up in paint and reason if you are to use their headline, you INSIST they use your artwork.
Lay the law down.
- Say you’re not happy with what’s proposed.
- Say he/she can present them, but they’re not signed off by you, so they’re presenting work that hasn’t been creatively approved.
- Report it with your superior and your ECD, on email, so there’s a paper trail of it.
That second bullet is 🔥🔥
Let them use theirs and make sure they take credit for it being theirs
It may be time to ask for a new partner. In the meantime I would bring your own list of alternative headlines to the presentation.
👆🏼I tried but he said he’s won awards and is used to a different standard of work and just can’t let this go through. Somehow I’ve made a living at this for many years though, so... 🤷♀️
He didn’t like my headlines. I am happy to report that I have replaced him w a friend. 🙏🏼
If he insists then whatever but make sure yours are in the ALTS on the side
And they don’t need to be mocked up or anything
Put your foot down. I have this issue with my partner from time to time but you should have the final say on copy.
Do you trust your ACD/CD?
That said your comments made me feel better. Thanks.Sometimes it’s enough just to hear someone else say, “yeah!"
It me. I am finding a new job/partner.
That’s awful, if they insist just tell them to mock both your lines and his/hers. And when you show them to your CD be very clear that those specific lines are lines your AD has a lot of heart for
Sounds like the issue could be more of the AD knowing how to work as a team. Perhaps to look for a new partner
It’s not his job. I would definitely report to ECD or ask him to lay out both and you both can talk to ECD about it. The best way is to let your boss be the arbitrator.
He sounds like a real a-hole btw. Especially the awards comment.
The biggest👆🏼
By awards he probably means an Addy or something like that based on his arrogance and bad attitude. He’s a jerk and not your boss. If he isn’t listening raise the issue with your CD/ECD. If that doesn’t work, ask to be rotated off. If that doesn’t work, see my first comment on this thread.
Unfortunately it was a freelance project that I brought him in on to expand my roster of ADs.
Oh shit - AD as in art director? We use AD to mean account director in the UK.
Art Director
Is it a writing issue as in he doesn't like your copy or is it a design issue as in your headline is 40 words long? Either way, you two need to compromise. Woooo scary word. Compromise. Lol