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Thoughts on ZS Associates in SG?
This is my first post on this network, although I have been reading you guys silently for months!
I was wondering if anyone could share their experience about the L.E.K. office in Poland (Wroclaw).
I'm especially interested in the Life Sciences Specialist (LSS) position. I love the idea of living in Poland, but there is an offer for the same LSS position in the London office and wonder if this is a better option.
Thank you in advance for your time!
L.E.K. Consulting
I would not give this job offer another thought
Anytime the current employee’s offer up what a shit show it is directly to a potential employee it is a huge red flag
I didn’t end up accepting the offer. Thanks all for the input!
(Cont…) AND the CEO announced he is stepping down and searching for his replacement last week. I feel the red flags are screaming at me that this is too risk of an option. Anyone who works there willing to weigh in??
Yes agreed. I was an associate hrbp and joined a company with many red flags as an hrbp. Even more red flags in hindsight. Would go back in a heartbeat. Don’t do it.
Yup agreed, just left an organization like that not worth your physical and mental health don’t underestimate the damages this could cause you….