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It happens to me when there is a hormonal imbalance or due to some cosmetic product i am using like a lip balm etc
It took me years to realize I broke out around my mouth due to a soy allergy. Might be some sort of irritant or allergen for you too. Also, pay attention to when you touch your face. For example, if you prop your chin up with your hand a lot, it could lead to break outs around the mouth.
If it’s in the corners or around the lips, it could be what you’re eating. Really salty/greasy food will do that. If it’s lower, on the chin- could be hormonal or maybe you rest your chin on your hands?
The herp?
Google perioral dermatitis. See a Derm and get prescription meds. It is stubborn!
Depending on the type of acne, could be hormonal or due to your toothpaste.