I make significantly more than my boyfriend. Think I should pay a greater portion of our living expenses than him?

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Remind me not to date any girls from Lazard


Put him to work in the bedroom to make up the difference


Depends if you think of him as long-term material or not...


It depends. If you want to live to his budget, not necessarily. If you want to live in a nicer apartment or go out more often/for pricier food, absolutely.


Only if you're the one pushing for a bigger/nicer apt


CS, who said I was a chick? You're proving my point.


If you both lived separately you'd both be paying rent. Assuming you're splitting living expenses 50/50 right now don't sweat it. You're both already ahead just by living together. Pick up the tab from time to time when you're out together and all should be fine.


I do proportional to net income


He should be paying for you. Always amazed by the lack of chivalrous men in this country


Depends on a lot of things, including who has more student loans, etc.


Dump him


Analyst 1 has it right


I agree it depends on the lifestyle you want to live. In general I would say go online and use one the expense calculators. It takes the subjectiveness out of it. If you want to do something then state it that it's your treat.


SPLITWISE - best app.

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