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This is way to close for my liking
How do I learn how to interact with clients? Like advice for someone in sell side sales? Anyone know any good books or other resources? I found this video and I want to learn more tips like this:
The Monday struggles are real.
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Hi all you cool cats and kittens
I wonder if crazy cat ladies appreciate this madness going mainstream or if they feel it gives them a bad name
"Yo what's good yall"
Cut the BS and no need for a unique intro. If you have something valuable to say, people will listen
Don’t overthink. It is important to acknowledge current circumstances. An intro email in this time should be well considered and acknowledge the counterpart may have other priorities (depending on what you are trying to achieve / asking for). These are strange times and not acknowledging will come across as self absorbed, a trait commonly associated with bankers...
Good Morning X and Good Afternoon Y.
It's short, professional, and to the point.
I usually do this, but for some reason I now feel the need to acknowledge the general circumstances since things are very much not normal. Maybe I’m overthinking things and I should continue as I previously did.
Do you actually care if they’re doing well? Then just ask “how are you?”
Otherwise cut right to the point. If you’re sick of using this phrase, people are most likely sick of seeing it. If you still feel like sending it just create an intro template and copy paste it.
What if the person you address has the virus? Or his/her kids or partner? Think about that when you send emails
“Hope you are doing well”
“Hope you and your family are keeping safe. “