Bedford Barbers!
My barber charges $125+ tips. Guess time to find someone that charges a lot less
any chances of having fully WFH again as covid cases are rising....
I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 12. My family did not opt to put me on medication. I illegally discovered Adderall in college. Worked incredible. Got diagnosed after college & after having been fired from my first job. Passed the CPA exams on Adderall. Went off of it again. I do everything well at my job except for attention to detail within my excel files & emails. Will taking ADHD medication really fix this? Does anyone else have this issue and was it resolved by taking medication?
Hope everyone is doing well and happy, recovering from the heart break ❤️
Markets are down but so is the VIX, are we about to see a healthy slide in volatility rest of week?
RSM NYC building has confirmed employee whose family member has tested positive for Corona virus was on the 6th fl. The building evacuated the floor for sanitation and RSM still hasn’t alerted anyone
Ugh second try on REG and got a 74. Congrats to everyone who passed
Any recommendations in the NYC area for any sort of mental health professional that specializes in dealing with attorneys? I have crippling anxiety over billing to the point where I’m not sleeping anymore, extreme imposter syndrome. Don’t wanna die but also just don’t want to be awake anymore it’s gotten that bad.
HelloFor stress relief and headache problemYou can try this massager I am using it for full body massage.For muscle pain when I life too much weight due to unknown energy boost 😂Here is the linkhttps://www.amazon.in/dp/B07YFLTTGN/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_KRKXB6ADBPH5C7Q1KSN4It not vibration massager
Hi there, is anyone on here from MHP North America? How is it going? Is the business strongly affected by Covid?Thanks in advance
I work in the Covid designated ICU. I was getting my vaccine and the person giving me vaccine asked If I ever got it. I said no and he was really surprised! So many of nurses on my unit have gotten it. I didn’t know how to respond as to why I haven’t gotten it,
I hate my job, but I’m staying because of the money. I’ve been a tech consultant for 4+ years and I’m good at it and I love the company I work at, but I noticed that I get really bad anxiety anytime I start a new project. I’m not sure if it from the role or from consulting but I always feel sick to my stomach and I feel like I’m not expanding my knowledge because I’m literally surviving everyday. Please what should I do? I want to quit but I also know theirs good money in tech. Please help!
Partners that have experimented with psychedelics, what have been some of your takeaways?
Freelance Q: any tips on health insurance? There's a myriad of stuff out there ...not sure which one or how to choose.
My new insurance doesn’t cover Vyvanse. Today is my first day not taking it, and I’m really struggling. Any advice would be so appreciated.
Stupid question but asking to be safe. I have a sore throat & headache. Took covid test. Blue line very very faint. Is this positive or negative for covid?
Has anyone successfully gotten their company to change their benefits? Our speciality pharmacy provided (Accredo) is so inept I’m repeatedly missing doses of my medication and routinely spending over an hour on the phone during work hours arguing with them. I work at a small company (40 people) and our insurance is blue cross Illinois (who contracts with Accredo for specialty pharmacy). Is there any way I could convince them to switch specialty pharmacy providers? Who would I even talk to?
Anyone else still required to work in the office despite a stay at home order? How are you handling that? We can 100% work from home, but can't because my boss isn't taking this seriously. These Covid numbers have me seriously worried that it's just a matter of time before someone in my office catches it.
I’m venting. But Sometimes I feel like the agency world is one big group project, and the creatives are the members that do all the works while the other teammates talk a lot. Like I just saw a strategist post on LinkedIn about the importance of taking a mental health day, and I totally agree but I can’t help laugh thinking about how ppl would actually react if an art director suddenly took a mental health day and the team’s banners didn’t get done that day.
Anyone here meal prep? I want simple easy low effort meals for the week around 1200-1400 calories, 3 meals, black coffee and afternoon snack. But figuring out how to get all my nutrients in while keeping it simple and easy is hard. Ideally, breakfast I'd make ahead. Lunch would be leftovers from dinner. I'm okay with eating the same thing every day. Any advice?
Hi, has anyone seen anyone with covid 3 times. My mother has had covid once in April2021, December 2021 and now today. I work in outpatient and I have never seen any patients catching it three times. Any stories ?
Martellus Bennett or Charles Clay to start as TE this week?
Just got reminded how I once bought my own external monitor and brought it to the office as an EY tax staff almost a decade ago. Can I hear other people's stories of their firm being laughingly cheap.
Hi! Does Barclays provide facilities like free cab, food, year-end surprise gifts or anything else? Just curious to know!
What is the average salary for someone in claims with the AIC designation?
Are there any similar apps to venmo which has less transactions fee ? I need send money to friend by using credit card
If my SO is wearing a black dress to an event, would a navy suit clash? I can wear grey, but I like my navy option better. Any thoughts?
wht you all think about McDonalds call as their earnings is coming up on Thursday? A surprise beat and better outlook could boost their price this week???
I don't understand why people here say East Harlem is dangerous
“life is a choice and death is a decision” - Lil Wayne
What’s something that you had to consciously unlearn after leaving a toxic firm?
Planning to quit - should I put my notice in before or after my vacation?
Is it normal for Managers have to take on roles both as a Senior and a Manger at the same time due to shortage in PA. Im at a midtier and a lot of my jobs don’t have Seniors and Partners don’t want to delay these jobs.
Bowl Leader
Best places to eat in the Path?
Hi guys, i have been working as a Data Engineer from past 7 years. I have mostly worked on MSBI stack and also have fair experience in PBI. Now that most of the companies are moving towards cloud based technologies, could you help me with the right pathway going forward for better opportunities.
How should a junior associate Bill for reading emails just keeping up with what is happening on a deal? Or should we not bill this?
Recommendation needed: We are a small law firm that needs to outsource our accounting needs. Does anyone have any recommendations? Experience with company valuations would be a plus. TIA
Best place to grab a drink solo on a Thursday? Unless anyone want to join
Best coins to invest in the sub $1 price?
Who here wants or has kids? Why do you want (or have had them), or why not? Curious to hear where fellow gays land on this!
Hi Fishes, I have one year gap between 12th and graduation and have total 1.5 year of work experience. Will sap lab accept candidate with 1 year gap ?
Left the Singles bowl because it’s too straight & annoying. Can we get an LGBT singles bowl going??
Planning on proposing to my partner next month—is it still “standard” practice to ask her parents prior? Is this still a thing?
Any Gaylors in this bowl? Bejeweled is the gayest thing I’ve seen in a long time… and I watch lesbian 🌽…
My child born F says he feels like a boy. I asked what makes him feel like a boy and he couldn’t answer. I’m very open I think and try to support him as much as possible to the point his name has been change in school and I try to use the male name as much as I’m capable of. But I can’t help to think he is not a he…. I wonder if he feels confuse because how strong, independent he is and he thinks females might be weak? Anyone going thru anything similar?
How was everyone’s Pride? I’m still struggling recovering from it…!
Best TV shows streaming right now?
Hey Deloitte 🐠 (and especially POC 🐠). Can anyone provide any insight on how the elimination of ERG groups has gone? If it happened, how do you feel about it? Pros,cons?
So is hip-hop not a very typical stereotype for Gays?
Community Builder
Anyone up ? 😉
Visual Storyteller
I knew this is not a political bowl but I wanted to see how many of you identify yourself as republicans/conservatives? Just curious to know your reasons
Feeling self conscious about my hair line receding and I'm only in my 20s. It's a recurring joke at work. Feel like I'm gonna be bald by the time I'm 30. Anyone know of any products that actually work to help hair regrowth? 👉👈
Wasn’t Brian Kelly engaged? His fiancé poofed from his social media for the entire lockdown and even now. I think I’ve no life and am such a busy body
My manager (unknowingly) messaged me on Grindr. What should I do now?
Does lululemon usually release a collection for pride?
I (25F) just broke up with my 1st GF. I'm shattered, We were together for 2 years. I feel like a lot of my sexuality & gay identity was wrapped up in this relationship. Any tips on getting over it? 😭
I don’t know what I’m more sad about… Betty White passing away or not having anyone to be with tonight :(
Is my bar too high in this day and age if I want guys to at least ask me out in person instead of reaching out on social media having never met me in person before? I just like when you have the guts to approach me in person instead of hiding behind a keyboard, or start with wanting to get to know me and not coming on too strong if we've never met. I empathize that it's more comfortable for us to hide behind our keyboards, but I also like a guy with guts and conviction.
I used bestbarber.nyc when I lived there
Where are you located? There is a cool shop in the Lower East Side called Mildred. It’s next door to the salon I go to. The owner’s husband owns it.
Omg $60 for a haircut 😧
Nonstop styling in Union Square. Hiro is my guy. He charges $60+tips
I like trimmed barbershop in HK
Bedford Barbers!
My barber charges $125+ tips. Guess time to find someone that charges a lot less