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Seems to be my life 😂😂😂 via attorneyproblems on IG

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Bad take Tuesday on the fish bowl
How much you made this month?
Seems to be my life 😂😂😂 via attorneyproblems on IG
Bad take Tuesday on the fish bowl
Yeah, it’s hard to share this good news without people feeling some type of way.
Might be a cultural thing. I for one applaud you. Congrats
Don’t tell, I never had a mortgage but pretend like I do.
I judge you for being financially responsible. How dare you?
It's really nobody's business if you are debt free or owe millions.
Congrats!!! I am on track later this year. I actually had the same thought. Its common for people to brag about paying off a car on facebook or real life. However when my time comes I dont think I'll tell anyone except maybe my spouse...
Either way congrats!!! I hope you celebrate
"maybe my spouse" - I did a double-take here. Does your spouse not know your mortgage balance? Or do you have completely separate finances/assets?
I hope it's not too personal of a question. My and my partner's financial affairs are rather divided, but we do know know who ows what, so to speak.
I’ve never heard of people being judged for financial responsibility 🤔
OP said “judged” what you’re describing sounds more like pressure or guilt. It’s no one else’s business what your financial situation is but I also don’t think it’s crazy to chip in more with friends and family when you know you’re in a better place financially. When my siblings and I do things for our parents I usually take 50% of the cost and they each take 25%. I don’t think they expect me to but I know I have more resources so I don’t mind pitching in a bigger share. I wouldn’t loan money to family or friends. I have given money before when someone was in a bad situation but as a gift and I never expected to get it back.
Op what will you do now? Treat yourself? Upgrade your house? Save more for retirement?
Mortgage that house back up and plow it into the stock market, of course.
Totally get it - sometimes telling random people yields a better response !
I felt similar when I paid off my student loans totally a few years ago. Many of my friends are still /were still paying and I felt like I was bragging ...but I wasn’t ! I made other choices that reduced my student loan amount and was fiscally responsible to pay off each month.
I think it’s partly an American thing.
We love money SO MUCH but we never talk about it and WHY NOT? Especially to people we love the most ! We don’t tell people our debt, even if those people can actually help us get out of debt. We don’t tell people our salaries but complain that we are not getting paid the value we bring . We don’t talk about how much our houses are or how much we put down to buy it. It’s like some big secret and it honestly does not have to be that way. There are minimal negatives to being more open about finances especially to family / close friends!
Why are we like this?
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We are really excited to have accomplished this goal and to have the freedom to work toward our retirement more aggressively.
Huge congrats!!!! 👏🏼
And who cares what they think? If you want to tell people then go ahead!
How???? Teach me your ways.
Dave Ramsey's plan. And using actual cash for the budgets we had the hardest time sticking to. It's a lot harder to run into Starbucks if you know you are going to break a $100 bill.
We paid off our mortgage last year and we're in our mid 30's. I don't go out and tell people just to tell them, but I'm not afraid to tell anyone. People have different goals and realities. Be proud of yourself.
Congratulations! I am debt free too. I personally feel it gives you an extra level of freedom. Debt often keeps you tied to unpleasant work environments. I know from experience. I no longer tolerate others bad behavior.
This is awesome. Good for you! This is one of my goals!
Congratulations!!!!!! 👏🤩🥳
Great job OP. I’m sure that feels great.
I was almost done paying off my city condo and decided to buy a new house in a rural area and rent out the condo. My rental income from the city home covers my mortgage + utilities at the rural property. I’m going to try to pay off the new place quickly and look for more land.
Great job! You can be proud for actively managing your finances. It’s not easy and requires discipline.
I reached a parallel milestone myself just a few days ago. Downsized from a house to a condo with no debt.
For me, the reduction in financial anxiety attached to a job is the major benefit.
Wish you the best!
Congrats! My wife and I are years behind you but you show us the light😀
I don't like the strategy of paying off all debts. I like cheap money. I could pay off my mortgage, but instead I refinanced at absurdly low rates, stretched the term and plowed it into investments. Ill get the tax advantages from the interest as well. To me, this is a strategy that produces more value over the long term.