I really appreciate the confessions bowl because when I was super depressed / wanting to die last year, I threw everything here. So I was crazy here but the people in my life still think I’m normal

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Glad you’re still here 💙


Use whichever outlet you can! Following my football team saved me


We’re glad you’re still here, KPMG. Much love 💛




Glad you're here OP!




We’re a little crazy with you ❤️


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I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 12. My family did not opt to put me on medication. I illegally discovered Adderall in college. Worked incredible. Got diagnosed after college & after having been fired from my first job. Passed the CPA exams on Adderall. Went off of it again. I do everything well at my job except for attention to detail within my excel files & emails. Will taking ADHD medication really fix this? Does anyone else have this issue and was it resolved by taking medication?


I’ve been on Adderall IR for awhile and just got prescribed Zoloft by my doctor today. Anyone have experience taking both meds?
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Will COVID life teach us anything?

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I want to know that what is the average salary should the following expertise get?

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India/Domestic Recruitment: 3+ years
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I am just confused and will always go down with my expected salary.

Please help me on this. What is the Yearly salary should I expect for my overall 4+ years experience?

Thank you in advance.


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Finally, now that WFH is more accepted (thanks 2020), do you think more industries will “reimagine” this arbitrary 40+ hr. work week?

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What would it take?


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I got opportunities from-
Dassault Systemes
Bentley Systemes

I was thinking to join Dassault but after some research I found that many people are leaving the organization and the reviews are not so good which it used to be. (My friend is working in DS and I got to know that the policies are not good and organization is forcing people to come to office and they are not easy to adopt).

Also there is some discrepancy going on. Need your suggestion.
My 2nd option is to go with Cerner.


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I truly wish women (aka me 31F ) would learn to date for the experience and not for the pressure of marriage. 🥲


I rlly hate my phase of life. Dealing with dumb people is really messing up with my mind. It almost feels like my future is gonna go ablaze while other people are having some degree of fun with their lives. I just don’t know who to talk to or what to say cuz almost everyone seems to judge me but not seeing what my point of view. I’m just sick of everything, I rlly wish to stop this pain smh.


I used my exes name with some numbers as password for many things.... Its a bitch. Especially when you break up lmao
Don't use your significant other name for passwords


I watched a documentary on Woodstock ‘99 and I cannot believe the amount of sexual assault that was openly committed. I have to say as a 40 something male it is shocking to me and I wonder if 20 something year old me at that time would have recognized it as assault.


Can’t get him off my mind and I wonder if I even cross his anymore..


I need a certification


23 years in the professional workplace, I've had great careers. A few National level roles yet I still feel like an imposter. I often feel as all of my success was on the backs of the support team I had around me in various roles. In a role now with little to no qualified support and I feel as if I'm floundering. I'm a coach/motivator style of leader. I feel held back by my lack of experienced direct reports.


Beautiful People of the Fishbowl,

Ur humble man-boy here needs just 7 more of u to laugh at me—so i hit 420 and enter high spirits forever

Pls help. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♀️
P.s. must be exactly 7 thx

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I don’t know how to be faithful.


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The past few months I’ve lost ambition and motivation in my career. Have worked hard to climb my way up the corporate ladder and now report to the CEO but I feel unmotivated and have no interest in looking for a new job and working in a corporate position altogether.


I don't understand how people manage stimulants. Two cups of tea, and I get maybe half a night's sleep. Zombie for half the next day. But then I talk to people twice my age who can down a pot of coffee daily at work or seem to enjoy the music festival type hard stuff on occasion, and they seem to do just fine at life -.-


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