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Additional Posts in Deloitte India (DI)
Deloitte India Deloitte India Hi everyone,
What are the dates for variable pay crediting and appraisal letter release details for DI
I saw someone posted as
Appraisal release for DI is on May 27th
Performance Pay credit is on June 26th
Are the above details right?
My friend's last working day is June ending, will he get partial performance pay? Or full performance pay?
Please suggest. Thank you
How is the work culture in DI Gurgaon office
Say to HR otherwise i will not join. Dekho kya hota he
Did that. But still HR is not offering. Earlier she said I can offer you signing bonus and I agreed to it but later again she came back and said she is not getting approval for joining bonus too
Move to Deloitte.
they won't give more than 40-42%.