I recently left my big law role to start my own firm, and I need health insurance since that was a benefit with my prior firm. Any tips on where to find good coverage? Is it considered a business expense or a tax deduction? I don’t anticipate to be making much income this first year if that makes a difference.
Following. In the same situation
I did cobra with my prior employer until I hired employees and then set it up through ADP (whole other convo but got there eventually)
Ya I looked at my state’s exchange for BCBS and it was definitely cheaper and seemed solid. Probably made more financial sense to go that route.
In California here, if you incorporate it’s easy to write it off. I have had my own firm for about 9 months. Health insurance costs for my family are really reasonable. Considering how much I was giving up at in terms of salary for benefits at my previous firm, it was a total ripoff. Whatever state you are in, just make sure you incorporate, you can write off a lot of business expenses and benefits that you provide for you as the employee.
Also- I am pretty healthy. Only have needed to go to the doc for annuals. I am not on any medication. It’s really just back up in the event an incident happens or I get pregnant.
Thanks but I’m in Florida
Whats your practice area and BIGLAW experience