I struggle making friends
Whats wrong with me

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Yeah, making friends after school is way harder. I would say start by taking an interest in people. Ask them about themselves. I’m shy-ish and bad in large groups. I’ve made a lot of friends through my hobbies. Like horseback riding. I don’t always hangout with people from the barn outside of barn, but it’s a group of people with whom I have something unusual in common and I’m already there riding so it’s easier to talk to them. A lot of people at my office have met people at those indoor climbing gyms. I guess what I’m saying is that as adults we have fewer shared experiences. We all go home to our lives and responsibilities. Also, adult friends are less like those intense school friendships. It’s more like maybe we like horror movies so six of us go to that. But the horror movie people are the horror movie friends. Friends end up in these sort of functional buckets. And that’s okay. I usually meet one or two people in every city I’ve lived in who become 360 friends. The important thing is to find people you can bond with even to a lesser degree. That’s easier to do over an activity than it is elsewhere.


You’re welcome. Glad I could help. 😊

How old are you? It’s one of those things that gets tougher when you get a little older.



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