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Do we have to wear formals in Airbus ?
“Make the layout better” is not feedback.
How are you doing MN crew?
We all know it's true
Looking for a referral to Microsoft! 😊
I would just confront them. If you're not interested communicate that. If they aren't backing off after, give them a warning, and any more after that then HR. No need to make it bigger than it needs to be.
I’d have to agree that this is the best course of action. If they realize they’re making you uncomfortable and continue to do it, then it becomes a problem.
Can you give more details on what he's doing? I’m assuming he's a man
Need way more details on what’s happening
Sorry. What are these comments even? Why would you go to HR without just talking to them and clarifying the situation? Choose a safe venue where you can talk comfortably, but also have witnesses out of earshot. Have a document of events. Ask him/her to acknowledge them and clarify their intentions. Even if they deny it, explain that you're not interested in a relationship. Put a final nail in it by writing up a summary of the conversation, attach the acknowledged events, and send it back to them. All of this makes it very clear that you're ready to go to HR in a heartbeat if things continue.
Are you already married and they know it? Else, need more info.
No, go to HR immediately so they have a record of what’s been going on
Don’t go to HR for every minor crap. Try to communicate directly face-to-face first. Keep it in a messenger or email if you really want a paper trail.
HR doesn’t work for you and not genuinely interested in your well being, HR works for the company and will handle situation in a way that is the best for the company.
Rising Star
If you only "suspect" they are interested in you, then I have to assume they haven't been overly pushy or crossed any line that might require involving HR.
The only advice I'd give is that if you do decide to confront them, e.g. tell them explicitly that you are not interested, is that you have a witness or mediator present so it won't become a "he said, she said" situation in the future.