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Rising Star
I'm 39 and I'm always having fun.
In the US, in particular, we have this extreme/unhealthy fixation on's bizarre how much we've set 30 as this Boogeyman of a line by which, once crossed over, we must have it all figured out: the home, the partner, the kids, responsibility, fat retirement account, and that fun needs to be toned down to some family friendly suburban BBQ version of it. There is soooooooo much life after 30. All we are doing is stoking more anxiety for others (and probably keeping a lot of people from their full life potentials) by continuing this narrative.
Live life, try not to worry about timelines and age*. We're all on our own journeys and one day we're all gonna meet the same endpoint.
*unless you are a woman hell-bent on having children naturally. Unfortunately our biology does work against us.
That said, I used to be someone who was sure I wanted to be a mom and as the years have rolled on I'm discovering I'm having a great time and realizing that not having my own kids...or any at all...isn't going to make me feel unfulfilled.
I learn a new definition of “old” everytime I check this app..
Nicee good genes😊
Ok boomer.
You're basically one foot in the grave, why even bother with improving yourself?
I have nearly shuffled off my mortal coil. This must be the end
You haven't even been out of high school 10 years.
Dont you attack me with reasonable points D1!
27 is not old at all. Sounds like you're focusing too much on yourself and forgetting about relationships.
If it makes you feel any better I’m super old (30) and still meet people..
Please stop putting timelines on things. You’re doing well, you’ll eventually meet someone.
No real advice except I know how you feel. It’s been my biggest fear since I was a teenager that I’d wake up one day and realize I’m successful in my career, am financially stable, and am living a “great life” but I’m single and have no kids and all that was for nothing. I feel like I’m kind of in the same position where I checked all my boxes but its like ok now what?
You’re old if you die tomorrow.
You’re young if you die at 90.
So just be happy.
If that’s coasting dope.
If that’s meeting someone, dope.
No one will remember you in 150 years.
So just do whatever.
I’m 52 and having more fun now than when I was 27. I promise things will get better after 35
At 29 I moved to the other side of the world. The last 9 years have been the most fun, exciting and amazing years.
I still feel like I’m 25 ✨
Where did you move and how do you make your living there?
So set some goals. “Working on yourself” means nothing without goals.
Why work on yourself or work at all without those.
Go date. Find spirituality. Find purpose.
I’ve felt that too.
I set things up to get out of my comfort zone. I traveled. I attended group things.
(I got a puppy)
I think we humans gravitate towards this feeling naturally. My mindset is always forward… unless I’m amongst mountains or on water
I’m 32. We can date as long as you don’t want kids and your idea of a good time is lifting weights, getting adequate sleep, occasionally day drinking, hikes, and movie nights with cuddles and food.
Great sign me up lol
I’m 33 and don’t feel old. Admittedly I have felt like I’ve aged out of warehouse parties/clubs and some bars are too loud but I feel like I’ve managed to find joy in many social settings still. Weed and shrooms help!
I totally get that and def feel this way at times. It doesn’t help that I’m in a stage where some friends are married with kids and I’m def not there yet.
Be better than yesterday.
Only thing you can do.
If you have this mindset, and truly are growing while “working on yourself” then you’ll continue to attract cool people around you and life will always be interesting.