I want a baby but I want to go to law school next year but I also want to move to the islands next year (and I also don’t have a man but that’s besides the point). Decisions decisions.

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I volunteer my seed. They call me a Pro for a reason.


Beat me to it lol


I love everything about this post


Don’t go to law school


Yeah speak with lawyers before going to law school. I got talked out of it by them (including my wife). Big law is a hellhole

Islands —> Law School —> A Man —> Baby

Fixed that timeline for ya


The having a man part is pretty critical path


"Kid goes to public school" >> and you jump to meth??

Sounds like you need to move 🤪


You can do all but they should be done sequentially islands --> law school --> baby. You can always have a baby after law school, but once you have one it will be harder to make time for school. You can always go to law school after living on the islands, but once you have law school debt you'll be tied to your job

Actually much easier to have a baby before law school than shortly after law school (coming from a mom who had a baby right before law school and us now having another shortly after)

I want baby too but I don’t got a man either 😔

I also want a baby but not getting woman lol 😂

Skip the baby

Yeah I know you’re joking 😁 and yes to children being a money suck! Which is why I need to be a lawyer so I can spoil them extra! But c’est la vie, I’ll figure it out later!

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