I was not prepared to feel so lonely changing careers in my 40s. No regrets on the new path or the new company, but it's clear my friends can't relate to what I am going through right now, and my wife is just not the person I can talk to about this. Generation gap with my colleagues probably isn't helping either.

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Divorce your wife, leave, and become a monk. Play beer pong with your monk friends. This is what I plan on doing atleast


Just hope you don't inadvertently join an order whose members take a vow of silence, that could make beer pong less fun


It will get better - just remember, it takes at least 9-12 months to settle into a new firm.


Yeah that part is new to me as well. In a prior life, I was able to make things happen much faster and I would be one of the key decision makers. 9-12 months is an eternity - definitely something my circle of friends could never conceive of.

What exactly are you going through?

Struggling to build a new network from scratch. Don't know anyone outside of work in consulting, so work hasn't been relatable.

Fishbowl has been a pretty nice interim outlet. Just want more. You know that one friend you'll always go grab a meal or a drink with because they seem to have the right answer? I'm coming up empty handed right now.

Why can’t you talk to your wife? Maybe she will surprise you? It sounds like you made a really big decision to change career paths and that’s really scary but you should be proud of yourself for taking a risk, deciding to make that decision and go with it. It’s hard. It’s easy to just stay in a comfort zone. Maybe you’re really lonely now and for a few months but in a year everything could be exactly what you wanted and were hoping for

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