I was offered a job today in agency that I really like. I can’t take it because it implies moving to another city and loosing the stability that my wife’s income brings to our household.

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Hey since you posted this question in this bowl, I’ll ask something I wouldn’t otherwise — what made you apply in the first place, knowing this was what would happen if you got this far? I ask because it seems like the subtext of this post could imply something about your relationship, and I’m wondering if that’s where you need support, or if job advice is really at the crux of your question?


Great question. Over the last years I have been under the impression that I am not good enough at my job to grab the attention of creative shops, so some self-esteem problems might be at play. The fact that this other agency not only approached me but also made an offer, has boosted my confidence - which I badly needed.
Unfortunately this offer comes in a moment in my life where money is most needed: mortgage, a kid, etc. It’d be irresponsible to move for virtually the same salary I’m making, alsoloosing the extra income that my wife brings to the table. Also, I think it’s selfish to ask her to quit her job and give up the things she’s achieved.
Somehow I thought that that she would encourage me to make the move and go together for it. But she’s a mama bear thinking about our kid’s wellbeing while I am dealing with my own demons. It doesn’t help that I have been for long time at my current agency and I know that there is not much future for me there


The money is not much better. The opportunity is though. Better agency, more interesting city.

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Welcome to Dynamics 365 Bowl mate☺


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(For background: I’m diagnosed bipolar and medicated, and have been in touch w my therapist about this already. Just curious to see if anyone else is relating at the moment so I feel less alone, and to see if anyone has any coping mechanisms I might not have tried yet)

Thx 🐠🐟🐡😘


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Sending everyone good vibes on World Mental Health Day 💗
