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Tbh consulting is overrated vs IB - 30-50% less pay for 20% fewer hours
I happen to like my job a lot better than PE (get to interact with awesome founders instead of boomer companies, better WLB for 20% less pay), but PE is an amazing opportunity that is mostly exclusive to IB folks
Finance in general is overrated
Idk I kinda like making 350k+ in my 20s. Depends on priorities
Yeah idk the logic of making 200k (or like 130k, if you’re at Big4) for like 20% fewer hours
If you’re going to work hard don’t half ass it
Are you at an EB? Most of my friends in IB aren’t quite at 300
I looked at a Goldman deck last week and laughed. Then I laughed at myself for making peanuts with more skills. Lol.
Yes, natural charisma and good looks are super overvalued unfortunately
I just think it's whether you enjoy it yourself. Which I do, so it's not overrated to me.