I’d like to transition out of the agency world, and am looking for inspiration. Any former ad strategists that found applicable use of their skills in other industries?

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I did a pivot from traditional planning. Now Digital business strategy at _SR. Mostly shepherding traditional clients to invest in digital, adopt a digital first mindset. A lot of Ecomm and retail, constructing consumer journeys, identifying opportunities, creating roadmaps. Also a lot more jargon but you just roll with it. If my output was another fucking banner campaign or :30 tv spot I was going to lose it. Nobody wants that shit, I started to view advertising as unwanted noise, pivot into something where you can create actual value for consumers.


Design strategy (IDEO, etc)
Biz strategy (Deloitte, etc)
“Innovation” companies (What If, etc)
Content development (beyond content strategy)
Trends and insights research
Those are all pretty close in - lots of further out applications but you’d need to make more of a case that your skills transfer....


Product management


The guys that started Method were planners. Start a small biz, dude. Seriously who else would be better at concepting something from the ground up? OR lend your abilities to others who have the idea for a venture but need the brand road map. The scene out here is great for someone who can work fast and with a ton of care for the project.

Also there’s teaching. And not just at brand center. A ton of great schools are getting into teaching ad strategy and it’s a blast. You’ll definitely feel old, but it’s a blast.

Good luck!
- mama🐻


Architectural design strategy


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