If anyone didn’t know this they need a few rocks to rub together.
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Sounds about right

Should have been jail time actually. This way Q morons would realize there are serious consequences for voter fraud: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/i-listened-to-too-much-propaganda-white-trump-voter-gets-probation-after-voting-for-his-dead-mother-and-registering-another-dead-woman-as-a-republican-in-pa/
C'mon Republicans dont be foolish.

You'd think that conservatives, so desperate to return to 'normal', would have embraced the kind of public health policies necessary to prevent the spread of a highly contagious respiratory virus. When confronted with information about the mental health of children in remote leaning environments, you'd think that they would have pulled out all the stops to keep kids healthy and risk free as much as possible - masks, vaccine requirements, improved ventilation, you name it.
You'd be wrong, of course. But you could think that.
They really tried to make this about masks, but if the interviewee’s kid went from As to Fs, I can’t help but think quality of education and time spent with the kid by the parents to support us missing. Bit of a self-own and cop out by the parent to blame masks. It’s been a tough 2.5yrs but maybe don’t disinvest in schools.
“I will continue to fight against any bill that interferes with my parental rights. Also I watched my child fail all his schoolwork for 2 years straight and didn’t do anything and it’s all the schools fault.”
Well if a handful of conservative parents, with no actual evidence, say so, it must be true
And of course the focus is on California.
There were no lasting "COVID mandate consequences "for 99% of kids. Just ignore these Trump cultists. Funny how they don't talking about actual COVID consequences, including death.
Rising Star
It turns out pandemics are bad in multiple ways.
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