If at all, how do you guys manage romantic relationships in IB? It’s easier if your s/o is in the industry bc they have an innate understanding someone outside wouldn’t but I don’t think that means you have to find someone in the industry. Curious to hear some thoughts.

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It seems a little confining to mandate that your S/O be in the same industry. I personally think you just need to find somebody who understands, or better yet respects your efforts as much as you respect theirs.


Couldn’t agree more. I met my SO in IBD, though he’s now in PE, which means that we know when things get pushed and as we’ve gotten more senior we understand when we need to prioritise our relationship over work. However we nearly exclusively talk about work which is sometimes exhausting and not great for work life balance/separation (😅). Above all you need someone with patience and understanding but not someone is a doormat that lets you cancel 7 times out of 10.


Your job will force you to constantly break dates and will make dating near impossible. Best to get married.


How do you get married if you can't even date lmao


It doesn't have to mean that, no. But I tend to gravitate to men in the industry typically anyways. More in common, less for me to have to justify (I feel like there's more heat for women wanting to prioritize work or working long hours, whereas there's more understanding for men, even if not always)


My girlfriend is in medical school across the country. She’s pretty busy too but we try to fly to each other once a month. Hard when I get weekend work and we’re together, but she understands and supports me as I do the same. Med school is no joke.


@associate 2, Will pm you

I think it's easier to date/marry someone in the industry because they understand what you do for a living and can discuss it, and also understand the innate demands of this industry.


Ugh dating is so hard these days, every month I reach a point in which I feel I'll be single forever.


I don't blame you. I've been married for 15 years, and I couldn't imagine dating in today's time. Good luck with that!

de-risk and diversify - date someone in tech 🤪


Someone with issues with interpersonal skills? Exactly why you’re begging



Ignore the troll! I hate that word.


You don’t


I wouldn't limit myself to dating people within the same industry.


I've gone back and forth about this, but ultimately I've decided against it. While yeah, it's great that they understand...I feel like it was just TOO much work talk. Like we work all the time and then to go home, and talk about the same stuff? Just felt like a constant loop. I'm now dating someone who does something very different to me, but it has a somewhat similar level of demand and I feel like our convos are more interesting because we have different experiences to share


I personally have zero attraction to men in in. Sorry lol being around them all day … no ty… hahaha with that said It’s up to you and who you have feelings for no matter what their industry! Now I am currently seeing a cop- two very very different people

You should probably separate business and pleasure. Seems like this is basic knowledge.

Banker married to banker here. It works since we understand each other’s work stresses and sometimes can refer clients or go to work events together. We’re at diff companies and have slightly diff roles so not we’re clones. It does suck to not get to spend time together that often and sometimes go days without having a casual convo. Don’t know anything different. Will say that the rest of my banker friends have stay at home partners.

My trick was that i started dating her while in University and then continued dating her after starting in the industry

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