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Potential in-house-brand-side CD gig for a growing brand in a niche/cool category. They haven't done any real branding of note aside from more "how to"-ish/functional/hardworking YouTube videos, but they have big branding aspirations (like every brand says). Expecting the following question in final interview: what would you do in your first 30/60 days?
So, what would YOU do in your first 30/60 days?
I'll share some thoughts in comments so it's not just HEY FISHIES TELL ME WHAT TO SAY! :)
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Yes they made the first step. It’s also ok to reach out if they didn’t reach out first.
I’m no CCO and I get 5 LinkedIn requests every day from irrelevant people. They’re used to getting a ton more. Some messages charm me into accepting the request (eg. A thoughtful/personalized note from someone in my industry with a clear ask)
Thank you! That’s good to know.
By “connect” do you mean they sent you a friend request? Or just said yes to yours?
A CCO sending a junior creative a request on linked in sounds....yeah, impossible...but if thats what happened, they opened pandoras box, so sure.
But if you mean they accepted your request, that doesnt mean much. You can send them a message on linked in, but not their email. It was nice of them to accept it, but a CCO has 1000 things to do before responding to a junior. It was sort of ballsy for you to connect with them directly (and not in a great way).
Recruiters, sure, go for it; thats their job. But I dont think you’ll hear anything back.
play the game, I've had a few CDs or CCOs request connections.
first say hey and thanks for connecting, they'll reply with pleasantries.
then go back after a while, and ask what you need. youve already spoken etc etc