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Anyone looked at BlockRX ICO? Thoughts?
How much do yall spend on groceries each month?
Thoughts on going to Mercer?
Anyone looked at BlockRX ICO? Thoughts?
How much do yall spend on groceries each month?
Thoughts on going to Mercer?
I don't. And didn't.
No. Unless it's like the weekend before a depo or something where they might be expecting you to prep in the office with them.
Not trying to be snarky, but as a thought experiment, can you think of a time when your location over the weekend mattered to someone? As a senior associate, I never cared (pre-Covid) whether someone was on a beach or in the office on a Saturday. But that was also part of my firm’s ethos, so YMMV
Are people expected in the office generally?
Subject Expert
You don’t have to let anyone know, but if there is anything going on, take your laptop with you. It’s insured, so if it breaks, falls into the ocean etc. it doesn’t matter.
*is thrown into the ocean in a fit of pique.
You only let your team know if you don't want to get work, imho.