1. We don’t know (or forget) because we too are slammed (and think we are more slammed then you)—some of us can see your hours. 2. We don’t care and it’s your job to say no (but tread with caution). 3. You keep saying yes or meeting the deadline, so we think you are available for us always. 4. You don’t get what you don’t ask for. 5. See #2.
To be clear, I try not to do this, but the above is probably pretty close to the thought process.
I feel like the partners that do that were treated that way when they were associates and when they became partner they think that hard work was them earning their stripes and that’s what all other associates have to do in order to get to where they are
Collective action problem. If they let up on their deals, associates will deprioritize their stuff Bc no other partners are gonna do the same.
Because they don’t pay associates OT, only an annual bonus if they met hours
1. We don’t know (or forget) because we too are slammed (and think we are more slammed then you)—some of us can see your hours.
2. We don’t care and it’s your job to say no (but tread with caution).
3. You keep saying yes or meeting the deadline, so we think you are available for us always.
4. You don’t get what you don’t ask for.
5. See #2.
To be clear, I try not to do this, but the above is probably pretty close to the thought process.
You should be more slammed than associates, you make way more money
I feel like the partners that do that were treated that way when they were associates and when they became partner they think that hard work was them earning their stripes and that’s what all other associates have to do in order to get to where they are